Marinas Essential in Ohio

Nov 8, 2007
Hunter 27_75-84 Sandusky Harbor Marina, Ohio
I checked the Ohio COVID 19 orders to see about the status of marinas. (Ours, Sandusky Harbor Marina is open with sensible restrictions.)

The Ohio Order defines Marinas, Docks, and Boat Storage as essential Transportation. Lady Lillie is scheduled to go in during late May. We hope shelter cruising and at anchor on her as soon as the weather permits.


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
That is absolutely incredible to me. Since when does a leisure activity rate as an essential service?
Last week we had an asymptomatic carrier test positive a month after the last plane arrived on the island. He had not had any contact with any of the other C-19 cases. So far, through intense contact tracing, he has infected two others at his work place and the tests on his family haven't come back.
It seems the US is on a slippery slope that will cost many many more lives.
May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
capta, no one, no government ever said or implied that you were not going to get infected. they said they do not want us all showing up to the hospital at the same time. that is it. nothing more. the vaccine is a year away. can any economy survive doing nothing for another year? of course not. those with good immune systems will be OK. the rest of us need to hide out.
we are all going to get it in the next year. start studying how to bolster your immune system.
this is not to start an argument, capta. just sharing what i believe is the case.
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May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
capta, watch this. dr. katz makes the most sense that i have seen
and the most hope :)
May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
i believe and follow what this dr. gundry teaches. many don't.
i'm a big fan of dr. mark hyman of the cleveland clinic and follow his teachings. life is choices, these are mine
they are both all over youtube
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Fun math....(sarcasm) there are approx 7 billion people on the planet..... they estimate that 80% will need to catch this to get "herd immunity" and with a 1% mortality rate... that translates into 56 million deaths world wide...or put another way... 7 New York Cities. :yikes:
May 17, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 37 Havre de Grace
Maryland has said that recreational boating will be permitted again in “stage 1” of its recovery, to begin after about 14 days of declining hospitalizations and death rates. It’s hoped that this will happen in early May. I for one am looking forward to it.
Oct 26, 2008
Catalina 320 Barnegat, NJ
I think it is stupid to try to distinguish between "essential" and non-essential" work or activity. We should be distinguishing between those whom are vulnerable to death from COVID and those whom are far less vulnerable. According to data that I read, normal annual mortality worldwide is about 7.7 deaths per 1,000. For 7.8 billion people, that's about 60 million deaths annually worldwide. In the US, we project 8.3 deaths per 1,000 or about 2.74 million deaths annually (330 million people). I'd like to know how COVID has actually increased the overall rate of death. I don't believe the numbers that are counted for COVID at this point in time. I'm hearing direct evidence that death certificates are falsely listing COVID for patients whom are old and dying from causes that have nothing to do with COVID. It's a financial system that causes hospitals to play a dishonest game. Even in NYC, the rate of hospitalization was grossly over-estimated. Virtually all of the extra beds that were delivered by FEMA went unused. The ship COMFORT left because it was empty.

Let's see some real statistics about normal mortality and the increases that have supposedly been caused by COVID. I have no doubt that COVID is causing increased mortality and I have no doubt that people are suffering from COVID. My doubts lie in the reporting of it and the actual rate of death. We're all going to die someday, and those of us whom are 65 or older are closer to death and we are going to die far more readily from health complications. COVID isn't changing that reality. It shouldn't mean that we have to stop living. As for herd immunity. How long will it take for 80% of the world population to be exposed? We can slow COVID down, by all means and I'm in favor of precautions that protect the most vulnerable, but we aren't going to shut our lives down. We can slow COVID down to buy time for vaccines or therapeutic developments that decrease the mortality rate. It's time to get busy living or get busy dying as the saying goes. I choose living with some reasonable risk.
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I have been to my marina a few times in the last week. I have not come in contact with one other person. My marina isnt opening restrooms yet, and require people to wear a mask if you go into the office (sensible steps I think).

Is going to the marina essential? Maybe not, but I do not think I am putting myself, or anyone else at risk by being on my boat.
