Mainsheet Article Deadline June 10th

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May 3, 2008
Catalina 310 Catawba Island
Hi Captains and Admirals: Now that we are into May it is time to start enjoying our Catalina 310s..I launched on May 9th after a really lousy Spring with rain almost constantly. I still don't have the sails on but hope tp this coming weekend.

You probably just received the May issue of Mainsheet Magazine and I hope you enjoyed the articles and how-tos in this issue. Since so many Catalina models share common parts and systems it is always interesting to look at the fixes and upgrades for the other models as well. I found the idea on putting small blocks at the reefing cringles in the C38 section for example.

We would like to have more articles from 310 owners but that is really up to you. The more good articles we have in our association section as well as in Bill Lewis’s technical section the more interest we create in our 310s as one of the best Catalina models. This ultimately leads higher demand on the used boat market and from a purely selfish standpoint higher value should you decide to sell or trade-in in the future. And, most importantly ideas and hints on how to enjoy our Catalina 310s even more.

I will be putting together the content for the August issue of Mainsheet over the next month. My deadline for submission will be June 10th. So, please send me any news, thoughts, plans and neat things you have done with or to your Catalina 310.

Sections that we have started with in the past issues include the following but any articles are welcome.

Destinations and Eye Candy– a great chance to tell us all about that great (or from hell) destination you visited in past sailing seasons – story and pictures.

KISS (or, how to keep the Admiral happy without a lot of work or expense) – how did you improve your on-board quality of life in a novel, simple, and inexpensive way to the rave reviews of the Admiral

Burgees in Paradise – get a picture of your s/v flying the 310 Association burgee (sometimes hard to photograph but we’ll believe you) in some exotic (or not so) port, dockage or anchorage – send me a digital picture (as large a format as possible) along with name, boat name and a description of the location. Note if you don’t have a burgee you can order one from the association website at . If you have a photo or a great idea for a photo that might be cover quality one tip is that it must be vertical.

Thoughts and Musings – Your thoughts about your boat and your sailing adventures or lack of same. Be as creative as you want and get your byline in our great magazine.

Thanks for your help.

Regards and good sailing

Bob James
Mainsheet 310 IA Association Editor
1826 Glenn Ave
Columbus, OH 43212
Phone: 614.481.6744
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