Mainsail Tracks/StackPack

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Jun 3, 2004
- - Kemah, Texas
I'm thinking of adding a mainsail track along with a Doyle StackPack to my Catalina 30 MkIII in order to ease the load on my 60-year-old back and to generally facilitate managing the mainsail. I'd appreciate any advice those of you that have experience with this sort of set up. Thanks, Jerry
Oct 25, 2005
Catalina 30 Banderas Bay, Mexico
Second thread with same question?

If managing the main (all 222 sq ft of it) is a concern for you, you might consider a smaller boat. There are many things on a C30 that require much more effort than the little main on a C30. There is a reason that mainsail handling systems are generally designed for boats bigger than a C30. Little boats don't need such systems. That said, (as I said before) the Harken system is very good. The stack pack works for some people in some climates. The stack pack has a zipper that runs the full length of the boom, the zipper is hard to get to on some boats. The zipper is also not water proof. In rainy climates, mildew on damp sails inside stack packs has given them a bad name. No combination of sliders, lazy jacks, or whatever is going to be automatic. You still must leave the cockpit to deal with the main. You might consider a furling boom. Forespar and Seldon both offer furling boom conversions that will work on your 30.
Jun 3, 2004
- - Kemah, Texas
Second Thread

Sorry about the second posting; I didn't see the first one appear and thought that - for some reason - it didn't make it on. So I decided to repost with the additional inquiry about a StackPack. In any case, I'm interested in learning about the "many things" on a C-30 that require "much more effort" than managing the main. I've been sailing the boat year round for four years (and a C-27 for 15 years prior to that); I never encountered one of them. Jerry


I Hate My Stackpack!!!

My '88 Mark II Tall rigged 30 came with the stackpack and after two years their are times I just want to dump the thing and go back to the mainsail flaking on the boom, bungee and cover routine. The stack pack is tough to single hand although thats the idea! First you have to loosen the lazy jacks so that the area is sufficient to allow the main to raise without getting a batten stuck within the lazy jack lines. You MUST be DEAD ON INTO THE WIND for the stack pack to work best (again the battens getting caught up in the lazy jack lines is the key). A sudden change in wind while raising the sail and your foundering ondeck alone trying to lower the sail to ensure the batten is free. The zipper Moody mentioned cannot be unzipped by my wife on her tip-toes on deck. Its my job and often its a tough one, because like any zipper system, the mainsail can get snagged and tention from the lazy jack lines do not help. Rainwater will accumulate inside the main tucked away in the nice sunbrella pack and only raising the boom end with the topping lift high enough to force runoff to the mast end is going to work for proper draining. Bottom line......I would rather be singing sea chanties hoisting up a huge gaff-rigged mainsail then keep messing with this stackpack system!!!! For single handling, its not the optimum choice for the Catalina 30. I cannot think of anything for singlehanders for the Catalina 30 aside from striving for perfection with the stackpack system if that was your decision. You have a healthy jump up onto the deck for adjustments, which is challenge enough. Want the stackpack? Get a crew................good luck Bob Breezin II



I have the Dutchman flaking system on my 84 C30. I hate it and like it. Last year I replaced the main cover with a new one without the slots for the filament lines, hated the old cover because it would twist up no matter how careful I was in folding it as it was being removed. The idea of the Dutchman is good, rotate the topping lift line to loosen the filaments that go through the main to allow the main to fill with air ot tighten them up to lower it. Now I loosed the filament lines when putting the cover on. The problem with it is that I have to loosen them and also loosen the topping lift. Rotating the filaments is on the end of the boom and to lower the topping lift I have to get to the mast. I plan on routing the topping lift back to the cockpit and add a line to help douse the jib/genoa so maybe I spend less time on the deck. At least with the Dutchman, I don't have the main all over the place when lowering it. I'm 60 also and do not like spending any more time at the mast or on the bow in choppy water than I have to.
May 23, 2004
I'm in the market as were . Colonial Beach
Lazy Jacks

I have a full batten main on my 1990 Catalina 30 tall rig bow sprit. I am thinking of adding lazy jacks to it because the sail drops really nice with the full battens. Another trick that I have found is to use Sail Kote in the mainsail track. It helps with the raising and lowering. I am usually singlehanding and doing my crew work. The other HUGE addition was my autohelm. It helps greatly.
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