Mainsail StackPack Reefing?

Jan 13, 2020
Hunter H-31 Southport
Greeting Hunter Owners, I just purchased a 1987 H-31. Am having a problem understanding how to install reef lines. As you can see from picture this boat came with a Stackpack that attaches by utilizing the entire foot track in the boom. On the forward end (tack) of the boom (Isomat NB-26) are 3 Gooseneck internal cams, one for outhaul and 2 for 3/8" reef lines. On the clew end of the boom are rollers where the outhaul an reef lines exit. Of course a loose footed mainsail that attaches at tack and clew. My question is if anyone has this arrangement and how do you run your reef lines? Thanks for any help!!!
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Congratulations on your new sailboat!! A 1987 Hunter 31 was my first sailboat back in 2009. Your boat came with some really nice features including stack pack, Atlantic Towers (looks like) davits and solar. Others can comment on your specific questions. In the meantime you can do an internet search on "stack pack reefing" or stackpack manufacturer to get some answers.
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Dec 27, 2012
Precision Precision 28 St Augustine
I have the same Isomat setup on my 28 Precision. I only have it setup for single reef. My stack pack has a slit onthe port side near the aft end. The reef line comes out of the boom through the cringle on the sail from starboard to port, down through the slit on the stack pack and ties off on a sliding eyelid under the boom. If I wanted to run a 2nd reef I would need another slit on the stack pack. It would need to be on the starboard side and a bit more forward. I hope this helps.
Dec 27, 2012
Precision Precision 28 St Augustine
My stackpack is actually sewn onto my sail. My main has a bolt rope. That’s why I needed the slit. Check to see if you have a opening in the pack in the area of the boom eyelets
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Bob R.

Jun 5, 2004
Marlow-Hunter 40 Pasadena, MD
I attached a photo of the 1st reef line installed on my sail last year. The aft 2 ft of the foot of the stackpac bag is open between cars attached to the bottom of the bag that slide into the track opening along top of the boom. The reefing line runs through the boom and exits through a turning block in the extension at the end of the boom. The turning block is so far aft of the bag, I had to leave the reefing line outside the end of the zipper extension at the end of the bag. I changed that this year by attaching a D-ring shackle to a hole on the sail outhaul car and running the reefing line back into the end of the bag. through the D-ring and then up to the reefing grommet in the sail. The reefing line goes through the grommet starboard to port, then down the port side and around the bottom of the boom. I tie a bowline loop in the end of the line and around the port side drop line to secure end of the line to the boom under the bag. There is a ring sewn into the starboard side of the sail at the luff to bring down the luff and leach of the sail together. I haven't rigged the 2nd reef line because it shortens the sail too much for sailing on the Chesapeake. If the wind picks up that much, we drop the sail and motor home. If we ever take the boat offshore, I'll rig the 2nd reef line. Its coiled under the boom at the mast.

Hope this helps.


Double click the thumbnail photo to see the detail.
Jan 13, 2020
Hunter H-31 Southport
Thanks everyone for your replies. I'll double check exit point at clew end of sail bag this weekend. If not, I'll make one. Must have non-eventful sailing w/ Commodore. Here around Southport NC seems like 15-20 mph winds are very common.


Mar 20, 2014
Hunter 31 828 Shoreacres, TX
Thanks everyone for your replies. I'll double check exit point at clew end of sail bag this weekend. If not, I'll make one. Must have non-eventful sailing w/ Commodore. Here around Southport NC seems like 15-20 mph winds are very common.
I have an ‘83 H31 and I single hand a lot. In those kind of winds, which are normal around here, the boat sails very nicely with the headsail only..
Jan 13, 2020
Hunter H-31 Southport
Thanks Mike. I like the boat heeling no greater than 15*, Commodore not so much.