macgregor venture 22

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I just bought a mac venture 22 and would like some help with the rigging arrangement. Photos would be great, but descriptions would be good too. Some questions would be what holds the boom up at the back and also next to the mast there are two eyelets, I thought these might be for the jib sheets, but that would put them in a bad location (I think) If you have one of these boats and can help me I would appreciate it. The year is 74.

Jan Delbert

Mac 22 Rigging

Ahoy Steve! Just got my Mac22 on May 12 and can certainly understand wondering what goes where. I've managed to get myself set up and sailing but I'm not sure that how I'd fair if an old salt inspected my set up. Check out this link, hopefully it will work. A fellow named Paul Lange posts some helpful pix and I'd bet that he'd be willing to post more to help. Just a guess. Good luck and fair winds.

Tim Etcheson

If you are still looking for rigging help...

If you are still looking for rigging help, and info about Venture 22's, I have bought several items from the following store in Mass. Havencraft is a MacGregor dealer and stocks parts for older boats as well. Among the items I bought was an owners manual for my boat which is a 1972 2-22. Their website address is: By the way, I usually use the main halyard to hold the boom up when not sailing by attaching it to the eyelet at the aft end of the mast where the clew of the sail attaches. I've thought of adding another line from the mast head as a dedicated attachment but haven't looked into it any further. As far as the eyelet at the bottom of the mast, if you have the same pivoting mast step that I have, then I don't have a clue either. I do use it though to keep the jib halyard from running up the mast when under way with the sails down. I just run the line through the eyelet and tie a stopper knot. I started doing this after we lost the jib halyard up the mast on a windy day. What a mess! Good luck. Tim Etcheson
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