MacGregor 26X capsize

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Dave Hill

On July 4th a MacGregor 26X capsized in Lake Champlain, resulting in the death of 2 children on board. The boat was clearly overloaded, 11 people and 2 dogs were on board, and the ballast tank was empty. Nevertheless, the pictures in the local newspaper were very sobering. Please be sure that everyone who has access to your boat understands that the boat can be overloaded, and that it can capsize. This just shouldn't happen again anywhere.

Captain Kimo

Captain's Responsibility

The attach link has copies of the newspaper account of this incident. For me, the following issues are evident from the available information: 1. Overloaded boat. On boat tipping, all adults rush to high side and contributing to instability of the boat. 2. No water ballast evident 3. Lines inside the cabin not secured and intangled children on capsizing. Emergency line cutting knife / cutters not available to rescuer. Children had life jackets on in cabin. 4. All lines from raft up may not have been removed on getting underway under power. 5. Many boats getting underway at the same time after fireworks, may have caused heavy wave action contributing to boat rocking, especially if depth shallow. 6. Adult passenger on the bow during incident firing firecrackers, ugh. 7. Captain's refusal to take DUI test makes it appear his judgement may have been impaired at the time of capsizing. 8. From the photo of the rudders, it appears the MacX model was >= 1998. Many improvements made to this model including more ballast room forward to improve stability, IF water ballast was IN. LESSONS LEARNED: 1. Always have ballast in, even when motoring. 2. Have emergency serrated knife / bolt cutters available near fire extinguisher location. 3. Display load capacity of the boat and distribute passengers on board to improve stability. Point out the danger of moving too quickly from disignated seat during tipping of boat. 4. Captain to brief passengers on emergency procedures and equipment location before getting underway. 5. Captain to be the "Designated Helmsman" during party occasions. In looking at the pictures of the two youngster that drown, I see my own grandchildren and pray that such an incident never happens again.

Tim Peters

This is the very best assessment on the web!

Captian Kimo, I had to thank you. From all the Mac site postings, yours is truely the clearest, most thoughtful response to the July 4th tragedy. You expressed profound insight into the probable truth, but without being cruel toward the untrained, irresponsible skipper. Sadly, the lessons learned cannot benefit those young children, and that their loss can only benefit the responsible among us.
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