MacGregor 26 X caught in a gale

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Wayne Pruitt

Would like to hear from someone about how the 26X handled the heavy weather in the ocean,
Jan 22, 2003
Hunter 25_73-83 Burlington NJ

I have a bad feeling anyone caught in a bad-enough gale (Force 6 to 8) in a water-ballasted Mac 26 power-sailer is probably no longer around to be able to tell us about it. Give me one of the older Ventures over the new 26 any day! BTW-- anyone ever sail a Mac 26 powersailer across an ocean? Your experiences will be priceless in these boards!!


Desert Gale

Wayne...... Have been in 30-40 knot gales on Lake Pueblo here in Colorado. The Mac 26 first shook violently with all main & 3/4 genoa. Then heeled out of control and began to slide sideways downwind. We furled the genoa immediately....... still sliding.....motored in to the wind to get the mainsail down. Regained control and headed for the nearest beach landing. Dock or slip landing completely out of the question. Anchoring not a good idea for lack of protected coves. Way to much freeboard on this boat to sail safely in high winds. We were almost catapulted out of the boat on the first gust. Now we go out with reefed main and 50% genoa. This was in 1-2' chop. Imagine 4-5' waves! My advice.....get a ballasted SAILBOAT if you want to SAIL safely in areas where high wind conditions are possible (everywhere?) The Mac 26X is a fun boat in LIGHT winds. Water ballast doesn't come close to the performance NEEDED to sail in ROUGH conditions. Good luck convincing your first mate to go back SAILING! be safe.........dan


Just Fine!

Wayne, Actually, it depends on your definition of "Heavy Weather"... We have sailed our 26x regularly out to 30 miles off shore (Ocean) and have been in up to 7 foot swells with no difficulty. As long as sails are reefed and ballast is in combined with some level of experience, a 26x should do fine in most reasonable weather conditions.

billy w

Heavy weather

Havent been in heavy wearher in the ocean yet, but I just got back from a sail on a lake in 30+ wind. Sailed under full main no jib. What a ride on a broad reach and run!! Watch out for those SURPRISE jubes. Without jib boat had too much weather helm to sail on a beam reach or beat. Just pointed directly into wind and would not fall off. With reefed main and jib the 26 has done quite well to all points in this kind of wind velocity. I have my boat rigged so as to have enough helm to point up when heeled excessively. I had a Hunter water ballast before I got the 26. I like the 26 a lot better for numerous reasons. Common sense and practice, practice, practice.

Jim McKirdy

heavy seas

Heavy seas is a problem for any boater. I own a 1998,26X with a honda 50 aboard. My fist sea trip with the 26X was from Daytona Beach, Florida to the Bahamas. I lauched early in the morning and powered to the inlet alone with my brand new boat. I raised the mast and loaded the balast (very different emotion putting water into a boat instead of bailing out a boat); raised the motor and started SE about 6knts. 10 hours into the trip I encountered the Gulf stream 2-3' seas for the first 6-7 miles. Then I entered an area with seas 12' to 14' seas and turned around. Back in 2'-3' seas again I steped down the mast and stowed every thing below and put my maywest jacket on. leaving the balast in the boat and center board down with the rutters down. Powerer the honda on a turned around again. The steering set must be in the up latched position. Entering the 12'-14' seas again. Sealing off the cabin is very important. About 2 hours latter and off course 17 miles I exited the golf stream. Back to 2'-3' seas. The MacGregor acted some times like a steel hull boat plowing thru breakers. Other times I felt the MacGregor was like a sub. popping up bow first. I do not recomend this to anyone who owns a boat. Turn around and try another time. Once in the Bahamas I rested for 24 hours. On the return trip 1'-2' foot seas all the way. The Magregor is two boats to me. Sail boat and life boat.
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