Mac25 gas tank location ideas?

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Tom Hornstein

I'm the boring type person that only puts my external gas tank on the cockpit floor by the drain hole. What type of ideas are out there for an alternative location to take up less room. Thanks.


Tank Hiding

Tom, Though I have not yet done it, I have been planning on cutting a hole in the vertical wall of the port side cockpit seat. I will then glass in a "box" that is open on the side, with a slight upward taper to the floor for drainage reasons and slide the tank in there. By leaving it open, I will not run the risk of trapping fumes and with the angled bottom, any fuel spills would run right into the cockpit and down the drain. One of these days that project will make it to the top of the list...until then, I will continue doing what you do...on the floor in the way. Hope this gives you an idea or two. -Mark '83 M25

Chip Giles

17 gallon tank in ours

We purchased a 17-gallon aluminum tank and put it in the recessed area behind the keel winch. We ran a 3" fuel hose and a ventilation hose to the port side of the boat, just aft of the winch. It is permanent and works great. We then ran the fuel hose out the transom of the boat through a hole we drilled. Awesome. It holds enough fuel to motor all the way to the Bahamas from Miami. We have done it twice.


Behind rear bulkhead

We went through the same issues and finally bought a 12 gallon plastic tank designed for inside installation. I took out the flotation behind the rear bulkhead. I glassed in some stringers and strap mounts and fixed the tank in place. I ran the 3" line from the rear gunnel using a locking cap that is available at West Marine. Before anyone gets upset about the flotation, I was able to put all the foam blocks that I took out back into the area around the tank so no flotation was lost. In fact, since fuel is only about 3/4 the weight of water, the tank adds flotation even if full. Hope this gives you an idea.

Tom Hornstein

Thanks for the great ideas.

Thanks for the good ideas. I'm going to evaluate which is most compatable with my handyman talents.
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