Mac 25 Mast Base: From Slot to Hinge?

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Feb 11, 2010
MacGregor 25 Rapid City, MI
I want to replace my MAC 25 Mast Base (the original receives the slotted mast) with the "hinge" mast base. I think it would make stepping the mast easier. But I am not sure that it can be done. Does anyone have experience with this refit? Would it require a new masrt?
Feb 11, 2010
MacGregor 25 Rapid City, MI
Mac 25 Mast Base: From Slot to Hinge

Thank you for the response. I could not tell from the Bluewater description if hinge was included. Did you do the replacement on a 26, or a 25 with swing keel? Ours is a 25 with a swing keel and we want to be able to sail it single handed ( two captains, one boat) and need the mast raising system to allow stepping the mast without assitance.
Apr 30, 2006
Macgregor 26s Kemah, TX
We put the kit on a V222 but it's supposed to work for all of them. Call BWY to confirm. The hinge came with it. You can do it with one person but do it slowly and by the numbers till you get the hang of it.


Sep 27, 2008
Catalina 28 mkii 745 Ottawa, Ontario, CA
I installed the mast raising kit and the hinged mast step on my Mac/Venture 25 (1979) last year. I had to purchase the mast step separately from the mast raising kit. The install was not difficult. The system works well. biggest problem I would have raising the mast alone would be to move the mast into position (i.e. the base of the mast to the mast step). With two people it is simple and won't break your back.


Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
......biggest problem I would have raising the mast alone would be to move the mast into position (i.e. the base of the mast to the mast step)............

Do you have a roller at the back/stern mast support where the arrow is pointing? Without one there it is harder to slide the mast back. I made a.....

...... roller that.....

.... flips up to roll the mast back on.

Then later made a...... lift.jpg

....permanent roller support.

If someone wants the old one (2nd and 3rd pictures) minus the wood crutch make a donation to this site and I'll send it to you,


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Sep 22, 2006
Catalina, Luger C-27, Adventure 30 Marina del Rey
That's a good question. I would probably call or email them.
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If no solution I would cut a plug our 1'' aluminum stock. Snap rivet into place with 4 aluminum rivets and tap the bottom to bolt plate to plug.
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