Mac 25 galley help

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Martin Stephani

I have a 1982 Mac 25 that I've spent many wonderful hours fixing, changing, modifying, etc. I'm having a problem figuring out how to best set up the "galley" when it's slid into the usable position. Where do I put the fresh water tank, and what's best to take care of the grey water from the sink drain. Speaking of sinks, have any of you put in a bigger one that's usable for more than thawing ground beef? I'd love to hear from anyone who has some ideas along these lines. Before I go cutting through the hull, I'd like to be confident that this is the way to do it. Thanks friends, and may your sails be filled with a fair breeze. Marty

Thom Francola

Mac 25 Galley

Dear Martin, My wife and I have owned a Mac 25 for 3 years. We found that the best thing to do with the slid-out galley is to just slide it OVERBOARD! This past spring I designed and built a permanent galley and installed it just forward of the space that the old slide-out unit sat when in use. If you want more info, contact me at ><
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