Mac 25 criticism?

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I have the opportunity to "trade up" from a Venture 23 to a Mac 25. I would appreciate any Mac 25 owners comments about what they like and dislike in their boats. Also, anything special I should look inspect for?


No criticism here!

I just upgraded from a Columbia 22 to a 1984 Mac 25, and I love it! Yesterday was the first sail and I was really expecting the Mac to feel tender since my Columbia has a 1000 lb. fixed keel. It felt amazingly stable in 10-12 knot winds and about the only thing negative I can say about it is that it doesn't seem to point as well. After I sail it a little more I'm sure I'll get it trimmed and tuned a little better. I really like the pop-top, enclosed head (my crew is my wife and two daughters!), and 3 more feet of waterline. I added a brand new 5 HP Mercury 4-Stroke and I think I've got the perfect bay boat for my area.

Bob Jordan

Cute n Comfy

Bought our '83 Mac last March. Many pleasant cruises since. Doesn't point as well as smalleer craft I've sailed, but does well under strong or light winds and cruises admirably with our 15 horse mercury outboard. We love it! Have had up to eight aboard and no one seemed cramped. Have sailed in fair weather and light rain -- no problem! 32' mast becomes a problem when transiting under some bridges. You've got to read the elevations carefully.

Thom Francola

May I suggest

I suggest you may want to read the owner reviews on Mac 25's before purchasing.

Chip Giles

Good trade

We traded up from a Venture 23 to a Mac 25 and have not regretted it. Do it. You'll like it.

Rob Taylor

nothing bad to say

You know I hear verying stories about the pointability of the mac 25 going upwind???I'm not sure what I'm doing so different,but Mine LOVES going uphill!!I look at my indicator sometimes and have to laugh,cause its pointing unbelievably close to head on,and the boat is still flying!I am strictly blue water,and it does fine,I dont however recomend trying to steer it at the sametime you have too much sail up(not alot of rudder in the water can make for very tense passengers)all in all I'm sure happy with mine (stock interiors too sterile though)Happy sailing!
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