m4p to mp3 conversion in the Digital music age

May 18, 2004
Morgan 46' Morgan aft cockpit 4 Georgetown, MD
Ok not a direct sailing question but,,,,,, I just started downloading files from my office mac to some flash drives I got for christmas,,,,,Friday for an early Fathers day present I bought a new stereo that will drive our cockpit speakers (see it is boat related).....The stero plays Mp3 files and some others and has a port for a USB on the face along with an outlet hook up for an Ipod.....now I dont own an I pod just the flash drives....so I hooked up the stereo and she cranks great, with AM/FM and purchased CD'S,,,, but when I plugged in my Flashdrives it read "No Files"...then I popped in my cd backup from the downloaded I tunes,,,and "no files' detected......Found out this morning that I tunes are M4P and my stereo plays MP3.....Since I already paid for the downloads,,,$.99 each song ,,,,is there a software conversion that will convert from M4P to MP3 ???? I tried going through I tunes but if the song was copywrited it wont convert for me..... Help on this digital music question?.......wheres my victrola? Thanks Rob