Lost Water ballast valve in Hunter 23.5 help me please

Sep 6, 2024
Hunter 23.5 La spezia
good morning to all sailors,
my name is Andrea and I am writing from Italy, last summer I bought a Hunter 23.5.
I recently realized that I lost the water ballast cap... I ask you if you can help me, if any of you have the measurements of the original cap or technical drawings, so that I can have a new one made in some mechanical workshop in my area, I thank you in advance
Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 30_88-94 Ipswich, Ma MA
Salve Andrea…come va?
Try going to the Hunter Owners website @hunter.sailboatowners.com. There are technical advisors on that site that worked for Hunter. Probabilmente possono aiutarti. Buona fortuna.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA

I am a former dealer who gave Hunter Marine the original plans to Hunter what became the 23.5. I am not sure exactly what is missing. When you open the lid or step, there are two items. The first is a large wing nut and washer. The washer has a rubber gasket on it. The wing nut is attached to a threaded rod that opens or closes the water ballast tank.

the second item is an adjustable drain bail plug that allows air to enter or escapes the water ballast tank.

please take a photo so I know what you need I will check with this forum store if they have the part for you and advise. This store has the complete list of parts list for your boat
Dave condon
Sep 6, 2024
Hunter 23.5 La spezia
good morning and thanks to all of you for the answers.
Sorry but I expressed myself badly, I didn't lose the vent cap but the plate under the hull that closes the holes where the water enters the tanks, came off the threaded rod.
thanks to @twalker H260 for the technical drawing of the H260, but I would like to be sure that the measurements are also good for the 23.5 for example the rod (20 3/8") it seems to me that in the 23.5 it is shorter... does anyone know exactly?



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Sailing back to the Chesapeake
I would doubt you are going to find that part available for purchase. I'd recommend you rebuild that mechanism. It looks like a pretty straight forward part. You should be able to check on your boat if the dimensions listed in the above drawing apply to your boat. Just look for the spacing between the threaded rod and the 1/4" anti-rotation rod. If that spacing is the 2 3/16" shown, then your plate will likely be the same size as the 6" (152.4mm) diameter shown.

That 1/2" rod will be just undersized from a 13mm rod. I'd check to see if a 14 mm rod would work With a 14mm rod, you can easily reuse that top wing nut by simply re-tapping that hole with a M14 tap. You might have to open it up a bit with the proper drill bit for the M14.

Let's see, 1/2" = 12.7mm. 14mm -12.7 mm = 1.3mm. That's 0.65mm on each side or 0.026" or a bit under 1/32" clearance. I would not be surprised if you have enough clearance in that hole used by the 1/2" rod to use a 14mm rod. But of course, you'd have to check. You could go to a 13mm rod, but then you might have to build a new top wing nut - that you'd have to see if a 13mm tap (not a common size) still gave you enough thread engagement.

I would hesitate to re-use that top rod.

You then have the anti-rotation pin listed as 1/4" (6.35mm) by 3" (76.2mm). I'd go to a 6.5mm rod - check to be sure it fits and also check if the 3" (76 mm) is correct. (Don't get hung up on decimals...)

Good luck.
