Looking for info. on defects

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Forgive me for not being very sailboat "literate," I'm seeking for information for my Father who is interested in purchasing a 1990 Beneteau 390. He has questions in primarily 2 areas. First, does anyone know of, or how can he find out, any information on defects on this make and year? Also, what is an appropriate price range for this make and year? I would deeply appreciate any information anyone may have! I have 3 email locations that you may forward your replies to if more convenient: cometlov@msn.com cometlov@yahoo.com (messenger) cometlova@aol.com Thank you in advance! Vikki
Jul 1, 1998
Hunter Legend 35 Poulsbo/Semiahmoo WA
Info on this web site

Hi Vikki, This site has some good resources: Under "The Boats", 390, there were 4 owners listed and 3 of them had 1990 models. As a suggestion, one could write to them and solicit feedback. Also, under Owner Review there was one review listed. A check with "Archive" revealed a post talking about a crack in the hull liner near the mast that was found on two boats which appears potentially serrious. All three of these aras were in "The Boats", 390. Boat values: www.nada.com and www.bucnet.com. The NADA site tends to give lower values but they are supposed to be based on acutal sale prices. I was seriously considering another boat a couple months ago and the condition (wear and tear) and additional equipment/extras along with quality of installations and the choice of equipment was very important to me. One boat I looked at was very nice but had air conditioning and lots of fans which I neither need nor want and another had a extra-large spinnaker which I really wouldn't use that much and it's dodger was not that nice; too good to throw away but not good enough to really appreciate. I made an offer in the last boat but it was declined and I didn't pursue it any further and it has subsequently sold. There'll be another.


Beneteau 390 thank you, thank you, thank you!

I recently submitted an article re: defects of a 1990 Beneteau 390. I received several suggestions to obtain addt'l. info. from several site users, making it surprisingly easy to locate the info. I needed. I followed everyone's suggestions and was able to track down PAGES of info. to pass on to my Father. You all were a huge help! Special thanks to John Nantz, FP (Coast Guard), Paul Akers, Karisa MacLachlan, and Fred Gabriele. I can't thank you enough, and will continue to use the resources available thru the Beneteau website. What a great experience my quest was!!!!!!!!!
Jul 1, 1998
Hunter Legend 35 Poulsbo/Semiahmoo WA
Good Feedback, Vikki

It's really nice that you replied back to your post so we know how things turned out. So often people will post something and there will be some replies but unless the original poster writes something one never knows what happened. I checked the site several times since your post but apparently missed your reply - I don't use the 'most recent posts' option but maybe in the future I will. There are a few other URLs which are useful for survey info and buying a boat but I haven't been able to find them.
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