Looking for a companionway hatch slide

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Aug 26, 2005
Oday 27 Corpus Christi
A student lost his hatch slide driving down the highway (somewhere between Abilene and Corpus Christi). Has anyone replaced their's? How did you do it?
Aug 26, 2005
Oday 27 Corpus Christi
This second picture is what he needs. The one that slides foreward. That looks really nice. I was thinking about making one out of fiberglass but I don't have much FRP experience. I really like the grab rail across for additional strength. I also like the idea of the grab rails on top of the slides.
How hard was it and how did you fit it for the curvature?
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
Do you need the hatch or the slides? The slides are the wood that is bolted to the top of the cabin.

If that is what you are looking for, I've made them. It takes about 30 min. Go to Lowes or Home Despot and get a piece of 1 X 5/8th oak. They sell it the section with the high quality furniture wood.

Clamp it to a table (I used my pick nick table) and set your skill saw (or use a table say if you got one) depth to cut only half way through and rip a line down the middle the entire length. Then filp her, set the depth on the blade again and rip another long line. I then took a chisel and smoothed out the cuts and I was done. It really only took about 30 min. If you have a table saw it would be even easier and would take about 15 min.

I've attached a pic of how mine turned out.


P.S. Drill the through bolt holes before you start ripping.


Jul 7, 2009
Macgregor 26D Mebane, NC
Where would you get the first one at, timebandit? I just made one out of plywood, but would love to get a fiberglass one.
Oct 24, 2008
Macgregor 25 (1984) Wildomar, So. Cal.
Where would you get the first one at, timebandit? I just made one out of plywood, but would love to get a fiberglass one.
If you are referring to the fiberglass sliding hatch cover or the fiberglass companionway door, those were factory parts. Your best bet to acquire those is to locate someone who s parting out their boat, and may still have those particular pieces available. I don't know of anyone who is manufacturing them anymore (hmmmm..maybe a sideline thing to do?)
Jun 3, 2004
Macgregor 25 So. Cal.
This second picture is what he needs. The one that slides foreward. That looks really nice. I was thinking about making one out of fiberglass but I don't have much FRP experience. I really like the grab rail across for additional strength. I also like the idea of the grab rails on top of the slides.
How hard was it and how did you fit it for the curvature?

Here is a better picture.
I used 1x6 inch fake decking because it is a full one inch thick by a full 6 inches wide..
All are mounted from the bottom with two screws per each leg.
Aug 26, 2005
Oday 27 Corpus Christi
Sorry, I was unclear. My student needs the fiberglass hatch cover, not the wood slides. His blew off the boat while driving from Abilene to Corpus Christi. Looks like I'll be fabricating some new fiberglass.
You gave me an important idea. I'll add a grab rail transversly across the center for extra support.
May 4, 2005
Macgregor 26d Ft Lauderdale, Fl
fwiw, mine is just plexi glass... PO had it cut, and now has a little red tint...

that's the simple solution.
Jun 3, 2004
Macgregor 25 So. Cal.
Before adding hand rails to the slider hatch know this---

The boom may need to raised.

When stepping the mast the top must be raised way higher to clear the the rails when sliding back to pin the mast.

The pop top cover may be to short to attach.

I solved most of these problems by just shortening the pop top support leggs and making a long crutch for raising the mast.

It does however make a great place to lash some things (like and ice chest or inflatable dingy or even a boom box) while sailing.
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