I have lifted several Volvos out of Vegas using the boom and also put Betas in using the same method but they are less than 345lbs. The Beta is less than 90kg . I suppose if two heavy people can hang off the boom without bending it it would be OK .
It would be better to cock the boom up like a derrick rather than lift it with the boom flat providing your pivot point is in good condition also attach the topping lift reinforced with a halyard at the point you attach the lifting tackle and try it. Chain pulleys (Western Differential Pulleys) are great because you can stop them easily when you wish to move the engine about. Don't forget to rig guys because once clear of the hatch the engine can swing quite alarmingly unless controlled and a violent blow against the Stays could damage your boom.
Good luck
From: TJBurkett tjburkett@...
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 0:12
Subject: [AlbinVega] Lifting an engine - will the boom support it?
For those of you who have pulled the engine from their Vega what did you use to lift it? I've got a Westerbeke 18 at about 345 lb. Can the boom support that weight? The boats on the hard at the moment so I'm debating lifting it out of the boat completly or possibly just moving it forward inside the cabin so I can replace the motor mounts and do some general PM and cleaning. It might be possible to get a small truck mounted crane in, but the boats are packed pretty tight.
Any thoughts?
Pagan Baby V-398