Laptop GPS

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D Berube

I am planning to take my sailboat down the coast and into the Bahamas soon, and was wondering about what might be the best (resonable cost) GPS system along with charts to purchase, and that can be adapted to my Dell laptop? I am located in VA. This of course is being planned for after the current hurricane season! Thanks



Dell, yes. You'll need the correct cable for your GPS data port out to serial (or possible USB) port on laptop. It would be wise to have an external antenna for the GPS. As far a which software charts. That's tough to answer, Many have strong points. You're on a good start by asking. Research the net. I'm fixin' to purchase Nav Software too, so I will watch your post for other responses. Jerry (A+, CCNA, MCP, and sailor)

Curtiss Grant


If you are referring to a hand held GPS, I bought a Magellan 320, marine version, last year for about $200 (they have since gone down in price)plus $40 for an external power cord/ PC connection. The Magellan appears to have the most water resistent case although I find the screen small somewhat difficult to operate. The external power supply is a must. The PC connection has not proved that useful but I think I need additional software as mentioned earlier. One time, I actually wiped out all my waypoints and routes on my GPS by trying to set up waypoints on my PC and upload to my GPS. Now, I just use the PC connection as a backup facility. Also, the Magellan 320 has a limitation of 20 routes which may be confining for extensive coverage. I have gotten accoustom to using 20 and it actually is sufficient The step above the 320 has 50 or 100 routes and was approximaely $100 more. Good Luck

Timm Miller

Garmin + Chart Navigator

I have the Garmin 48 and it interfaces with my Dell just fine running the Garmin Software
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