KIds cruising?

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We are considering taking a year off and cruising the Bahamas and BVI. We have one child, a 13 year old boy. Our two biggest concerns are Home Schooling and keeping him engaged with other kids who are also cruising. We've heard of radio webs used by kids for school work and social gatherings. Does anyone have any experience in this area and suggestions? Do people use VHF or SSB for these webs? Thanks.

LaDonna Bubak - Catalina Owners

I was a cruising kid

I went cruising with my folks when I was 16 and hated every minute of it till we actually ran into other kids my age, so finding kids is definitely important. I can say without a doubt that that trip was the single most influential event in my life. Sorry I can't be of help with the nets you wanted info on but I just had to chime in. LaDonna
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