Kenyon alcohol stove burners

Sep 27, 2008
Hunter 33 salem
Has anyone fixed/rebuilt their Kenyon presurised alcohol stove burners? I have one that is misbehaving
(will not settle down and burn clean (after warm up)).

I am guessing it just need to be disassembled and cleaned up but....

Any pointers on this????

Thanks for any input


Jan 20, 2005
Nauticat 321 pilothouse 32 Erie PA
back in the 80's I seem to recall buying a particular part for this alcohol stove from Kenyon, which then solved the bad- burning problem.
May 27, 2004
Hunter 30_74-83 Ponce Inlet FL
Sadly, Kenyon is kaput for alcohol. Occasionally there is a used pressureized unit for sale on Ebay or here on SBO. Most people, like me, gave up on them years ago in favor of the Origo, nonpressureized model. Origo was sold and the new owner stopped making them, but occasionally they can be found on the sites mentioned above. Everybody else moved on to propane or electric. Some went to CNG. It's a sad situation for us alcohol advocates.
Sep 27, 2008
Hunter 33 salem

I know it obsolete but so am I. I am just fixing things on our old boat where I ca.

If I come up with anything I will post it..


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Sadly, Kenyon is kaput for alcohol. Occasionally there is a used pressureized unit for sale on Ebay or here on SBO. Most people, like me, gave up on them years ago in favor of the Origo, nonpressureized model. Origo was sold and the new owner stopped making them, but occasionally they can be found on the sites mentioned above. Everybody else moved on to propane or electric. Some went to CNG. It's a sad situation for us alcohol advocates.
I had a boat with one of these stoves and I sent it back to Kenyon to get rebuilt. I did that in 2017 so I have no idea if they still do these things. It was inexpensive and they did a great job. I went to look for the contact info and can't find them on the web. I've attached the old manual I had for my stove. There is an address and phone number on the bottom. I have no idea if those still work. But at least this manual has some schematics for this old stove - if this is the model you have.



Oct 13, 2020
catalina C-22 4980 channel islands CA
I just bough parts for my kenyon stove from HOMESTRAND KENYON STOVE PARTS. They have a lot of the parts. I also bought some parts on ebay all of them were new old stock parts. Ebay parts were much cheaper. I have not installed them yet but I am looking forward to it