Keel seam location on a full fin keel?

Jul 16, 2023
Catalina 310 Holland
Hey all - this is my first time posting to the forum after buying hull #258 this past summer! After the bottom dried out after hauling out, I'm noticing a small crack forming at the front edge of the keel and extending backwards a bit. This is the fin keel version of the boat. I'm curious if anyone happens to know if this crack could correspond with the keel to hull joint? I'm hoping that's the case, otherwise I'll probably need to do a bit of grinding to investigate.


Jul 29, 2018
Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
You have what's known as the Catalina smile - doesn't look too bad, thought to be caused by improper blocking when on the hard - google it, lots of info and easy to fix.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
A very common sighting on external keel boats. There are several causes, the number one cause is the different expansion rates of lead and fiberglass and the sort of flexible bedding compound (usually 5200) attaching the keel to the hull. There is some minor flexing at the joint and the fairing compound cracks.

Make sure the keel bolts are properly torqued. If the smile is annoying to you clean the joint and then cover with a layer of fiberglass and epoxy. Fair, barrier coat, and then antifouling paint. Or just ignore it.
Aug 29, 2016
Catalina 2004 310 (Hull #250) BC
Hi there. I have hull #250. I had similar too. This is not the Catalina smile as referenced in past Catalina 27's etc which is way worse but a slight separation of the fairing compound. It's easy enough to fix. I had a response from Warren Pandy at Catalina how to fix it but would need to dig it out from my files...but it wasn't too hard. Yes check your keel bolts etc. Good luck!
have to
