Journey from the Baltic sea to the Mediterranean and Greece

Sep 1, 2004
Dear Vega Sailors

Three years ago I bought an Albin Vega.

It is my first boat and I had no sailingexperience before. (Exept
sailing lessons for the licence)

My first year of learning I singlehanded around the Islands of
Danmark,wich was a beautiful experience and showed me that cruising is
for me.

The second year I sailed with a friend on my Vega from the Isle of
Fehmarn in the Baltic Sea through Kiel Canal across North Sea, the
English Channel (two weeks Gale from the west) across Biscay to
Galicia in Northwest of Spain. There my friend left the boat and I
continued siglehand along the Atlantc Coast of Portugal and got to the
Med via Gibraltar. I left the boat in a harbour at the Costa del Sol
near Mallaga.

The third year i continued to Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca. I sailed over
to Sardinia, down the westcoast and over to Sicily and through the
Strait of Messina to Calabria, wich is in the very south of Italy.

I crossed the Ionian Sea to Greece, where I made landfall on the Isle
of Corfu, where my boat is now for the winter.

I will continue my journy this year sailing the Islands of the Ionian Sea.

Dieter Mezger

Oct 30, 2019
What a wonderful journey! So many of us have the dream ... it's nice
to see people actually living it. What are your plans: to carry on
eatward, or?

#1331 'Sin Tacha'
Oct 31, 2019
Attention MD6A owners. Have engine parts available. Complete
exhaust system including manifold, Volvo bypass elbow, stainless
collector, hose, and bronze thru-hull with shut-off lever. Also have
Injector pump(not tested) and Volvo Ignition with key. Have photos of
everything and parts in very nice condition. Injection pump sold to me
as working condition but did not install. Pat 302 344 2728 Parts in
Savannah, Ga
Dec 3, 2006

I have been dreaming of sailing approximately the same trajectory (although starting from southern Norway). I believe that I am not the only one up north intending to go south. For planning purposes valid for all of us: Could you please indicate how much time you spent on each of these three expeditions? Best regards: Reidar Schaanning (Skien, Norway) To: AlbinVega@yahoogroups.comFrom: dieter_mezger@...: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:57:39 +0000Subject: [AlbinVega] Journey from the Baltic sea to the Mediterranean and Greece

Dear Vega SailorsThree years ago I bought an Albin Vega. It is my first boat and I had no sailingexperience before. (Exeptsailing lessons for the licence) My first year of learning I singlehanded around the Islands ofDanmark,wich was a beautiful experience and showed me that cruising isfor me.The second year I sailed with a friend on my Vega from the Isle ofFehmarn in the Baltic Sea through Kiel Canal across North Sea, theEnglish Channel (two weeks Gale from the west) across Biscay toGalicia in Northwest of Spain. There my friend left the boat and Icontinued siglehand along the Atlantc Coast of Portugal and got to theMed via Gibraltar. I left the boat in a harbour at the Costa del Solnear Mallaga.The third year i continued to Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca. I sailed overto Sardinia, down the westcoast and over to Sicily and through theStrait of Messina to Calabria, wich is in the very south of Italy.I crossed the Ionian Sea to Greece, where I made landfall on the Isleof Corfu, where my boat is now for the winter.I will continue my journy this year sailing the Islands of the Ionian Sea.Dieter MezgerAlbin Vega "DULCIBELLA"
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Oct 31, 2019
Hei Reidar,

I second that suggestion.
I am living just outside of Oslo and planning the same thing when the time comes.
Deiter, if you want an e-mail address from someone who has motored the Rheine last summer in a Shannon 38, I can give you one.
They have alot of recent and good infomation.

Andrew (Jar, Norway)
Oct 31, 2019
Congratulations Dieter,

We've done a similar trip from the UK in Spring Fever arriving in the 1onion in 2006; we spent last summer in the Cyclades Islands and are now laid-up near Levkas; I am currently in hospital back in the UK, but we're hoping to be back in the North Ionian for a couple of 'easy' months sailing before the end of the summer.

Get in touch if you want any info or if you'll still be in that area in August/Sept, let's meet up for a few beers.

Bob & Lesley Carlisle,
Spring Fever 1776

dieter_mezger dieter_mezger@... wrote:
Dear Vega Sailors

Three years ago I bought an Albin Vega.

It is my first boat and I had no sailingexperience before. (Exept
sailing lessons for the licence)

My first year of learning I singlehanded around the Islands of
Danmark,wich was a beautiful experience and showed me that cruising is
for me.

The second year I sailed with a friend on my Vega from the Isle of
Fehmarn in the Baltic Sea through Kiel Canal across North Sea, the
English Channel (two weeks Gale from the west) across Biscay to
Galicia in Northwest of Spain. There my friend left the boat and I
continued siglehand along the Atlantc Coast of Portugal and got to the
Med via Gibraltar. I left the boat in a harbour at the Costa del Sol
near Mallaga.

The third year i continued to Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca. I sailed over
to Sardinia, down the westcoast and over to Sicily and through the
Strait of Messina to Calabria, wich is in the very south of Italy.

I crossed the Ionian Sea to Greece, where I made landfall on the Isle
of Corfu, where my boat is now for the winter.

I will continue my journy this year sailing the Islands of the Ionian Sea.

Dieter Mezger

Sep 1, 2004
Hi Bob and Lesley

I'm still in Stuttgart/Germany and fly to Corfu in one week, where my
boat is moored at Gouvia Marina.

After the work on the boat is done, about middle of April, I make my
way down south in the Ionian, of course also to Levkas.

I would be delighted to meet you on some anchorage. We can contact via
SMS. My Number: 0041 160 910 600 15.

I wish you good health

Sep 1, 2004
Hi Reidar

It took me two half years from the Baltic Sea to the Ionian/Greece.The
winter I spend in my house in Germany

I stopped at many harbours and anchorages along the way, and at places
I liked I spend up to four weeks. I guess the Americans call this
"gunkholing". I loved going deeper into the charms of a place and in
contact with the people wich needs time. A circumnavigation in two or
three years would be horror for me.

Best regards, Dieter