You guys, I answered this question like sailortony
said.I realized that Jaydog was probably new to sailing. I gave him info to sort out his questions. Remember, there was more than one question.Now, there have been books written on both subjects.I did not have the time and my guess is Alan didn't either because he only addressed half the question which is what most of the posts have done since.You guys with your sailing notes and instant look-up on line crap, do not take into account the simple questions a new sailor has.When you first started being interested in sailing, would you have perfered a simple answer or a book form responce. By the way, none of you have taken the time to explain in full the answer to Jaydogs question/s. If you are willing to type for day at a time to fully answer a simple question....which I asked if he had more questions, to ask again. (After the responses I would have been afraid to ask because all of you knoweverything people had to be correct, which some of your correctness is still being questioned) Be my guest.Have you heard the story where a young 6 year girl asked her dad about sex?Her dad carefully composed an answer to her question. He sat her down and explained the facts of life for more than an hour. With glared eyes the little girl said, "so dad, which box would I check?"Guys, give a young sailor a chance. Bring them aboard, then if you feel it required, beat them to death with your knowledge!The problem is you guys read responses with critisim in mind and not helpful info. Quit jerking people off and let's try to support the sailing community. Positive info instead of the superior knowledge brain approach.We have not heard back from JayDog. Which we would like to hear from you. Their are many here that want to help. thanks guys, you ran another would be off.Thanks Joe I think you under stand.just a thought...r.w.landau