Jazz reverie

Jan 26, 2007
Norsea 27 Cleveland
I was reacquainted this week with a tune that stuck in my head from many years ago. It's "Águas de Março" by Carlos (Tom) Jobim. Though there have been many covers, I found on youtube a version played by Tom and sung by Elis Regina. Do you hear it? Any comments?
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Went and gave it a listen. Not much into Brazilian Jazz. But it's too bad Elis Rigina died at 36. She had so much going for her.

I had a similar situation. Several years ago when playing with a jazz band, I hear a rendition of Impressions by John Coltrane. It was done on guitar in a quartet setting. I liked it but didn't know who the guitarist was. Move forward to a few weeks ago and while listening to my favorite jazz station, I heard a tune that had the same "sound". A guitarist in a quartet setting with the same ambiance of bass, piano, and drums. The announcer said it was Stanley Jordan. So I looked him up and found he did a rendition of Impressions. I listened to it and sure enough, it was the same one I heard several years ago. Mystery solved. Now to buy the CD.
Jan 26, 2007
Norsea 27 Cleveland
Youtube's Stanley Jordan playing Coltrane was removed. But I did listen to some others, including some Beatles. He has a peculiar style of picking and fretting half way up the neck while fingering a chord with his other hand. Maybe it's normal for the style, but it looks very odd. It's also quite percussive and lends a style to his sound.
May 20, 2007
Macgregor 26X Maryland
I have the "Elis & Tom" album ...

and Antonio Carlos Jobim, and his music, is why my current boat is named "Bossa Nova"!

His nickname "Tom" actually means "tone" or "key" in Portuguese. And at least three of the dozen songs everyone in Brazil knows by heart were composed by Maestro Jobim.

Oh, and Elis Regina left a tangible legacy in Brazil's popular music -- in more than one way: check out her daughter, Maria Rita, and her album "Samba Meu". Cool stuff!

I was reacquainted this week with a tune that stuck in my head from many years ago. It's "Águas de Março" by Carlos (Tom) Jobim. Though there have been many covers, I found on youtube a version played by Tom and sung by Elis Regina. Do you hear it? Any comments?