Iphone Sat-phone feature?

May 21, 2017
Allmand 31 31 Lake Superior
Has anyone ever used the emergency iPhone feature that allows emergency-only texting via satellite? It is a newer feature available on iPhone 14 & 15. Just wondering how it worked for you. Thanks. (I did a search for this but came up empty)
Apr 8, 2010
Ericson Yachts Olson 34 28400 Portland OR
Thanks for asking! I am considering upgrading from my 12 to a new one and have wondered about that feature as well.
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Jan 15, 2006
Macgregor 22 Silverton
I would suspect that feature must be enabled by the specific plan that the user has purchased prior to attempting a connection and could not be enabled directly from the phone to a satellite on a whim or unexpected emergency. But that is just my biased anti Apple opinion and has no true substance other than that.