Interior light conversion to LEDs - Any issues

Aug 7, 2021
O'day 28 Casco Bay
I've finally started spending nights on the boat and noticed that the interior lights are still incandescent. I've looked on various forums regarding changing the bulbs to LEDs and also wanted to get input from this one. I also haven't taken one of the fixtures apart yet. Any problems/concerns/sources/tips/tricks? Also, what about the light which has the red/white switch. Any input will be appreciated.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Just do it. No big deal. I think most LED's for lighting today are warm white. You can match tungsten to LED bulbs using a chart which the chandelry section of this site offers.
May 30, 2006
Oday 34 Chesapeake Bay
If you can, I suggest that you also look into changing the fixtures as well. The LED replacement bulbs are fine, but you'll get better service by installing a fixture that's made for LEDs. You can also get red/white bulbs and fixtures.