Interested in buying 361

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Michael Cappiello

I am considering buying a new 361 and was trying to find out from anyone that has one how they like and if they have had any problems with them. My wife and I have a 78 30 foot Oday which was our first sail boat and we are considering moving up now that our children are married. Any input would be helpful. Thanks


Beneteau 361

I own a Beneteau 361 hull #210 and just love the boat. She sails well off the win and can really point well. We live in Atlanta and dock in Charleston so we were looking for a boat that sails well and is comfortable dockside.
Mar 3, 2004
Beneteau 361 Marblehead

Michael, you can't go wrong with this boat. I have had mine for 4 years and have enjoyed her immensely. she is not only comfortable and well built, but she sails well in costal and blue waters and, as I said in the past, she is no dock-o-mimium.


Love the 361

Michael, We love our 361 which we purchased in 2002. We are getting a bigger boat and will soon be listing our 361. If you are intrested let me know.



My favorite Beneteau is a 36s7. 1995-1998 vintage. Beautiful lines and the stern is nontraditional for Beneteau. Good Luck.
Feb 27, 2004
- - Deale, MD
You can't go wrong with a 361!

I own a 00 361. Its a fantastic boat. Sails well and provides all of the creature comforts. If I could improve anything it would be to increase the size of the fuel tank.

Paul Ouellette

Visit the Winpipe website

Michael : Have a look at the Winpipe website I've assembled a fair bit about the 361 model there...have fun !! Regards, Paul Ouellette, S/V Winpipe, B361, Windsor Ontario
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