Interested in 311 w/retractable keel: any advice?

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Interested in buying a used retractable keel version of the beneteau 311. Anyone out there with experience in this boat? Having trouble even finding a used one. Any ideas of the best used market for this model? Really need the shallow draft for our expansive but often shallow inland lake. Thanks.

Warren Tan

Too new

David, The 311 is too new to have a used one out there. Why would you want a retractable keel?? BTW, my dealer has one in Warren S/V Jetmags B331

Brian Pickton

No Luck Here

Nov.13,2000 Dear David, I haven’t seen any of the model your looking for for sale in my travels (or online) so hopefully one of the other readers can help. In terms of advice one of the best things I ‘ve seen for drop keel boats was a custom built trailer that had two center beams so that the keel could be dropped all the way down between them when the keel needed service. Also make sure that your kick up rudder is working - I once ripped the gudgeons right out of the transom on one of my dinghies when I grounded a boat with a center board that kicked up, but the rudder which was supposed to, didn’t! Good luck on the hunt. Brian Pickton @ Aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay St. Lucia
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