Installing pressure and hot water system

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Aug 1, 2007
- - Vancouver BC
Hey folks. Thanks for your previous help on my last post it had lots of great information. I got another few questions for you all. I have found a nice boat but it does not have a hot water system (the wife is a warm weather creature and doesn't like this one bad point in the boat) in it and I would like to put one in. What I want to do is update the hand pump system to a pressure system and install a hot water tank (engine cooling water and 110VAC heated) and associated plumbing (faucets & shower assemblies). I have been looking at the illistrated parts catalog and I think I have estimated the price for the material but I don't know how hard it is to route the lines in the hull beneath the cabnetry. I would probably also replace the existing cool water system plumbing and clean the tanks. At the same time I would put in a Engine coolant forced air heater in the cabin. I am looking for ideas where to locate it. Has anyone installed one of these and where did you locate it in the cabin? I was thinking of doing the project in 3 steps. 1.) I would start the project by routing all the new lines and replacing the old ones fittings & clamps. 2.) Set up the electrical system, engine coolant routing (not hooked up), and interior hardware (faucets, shower). 3.) Install the Hot water tank & forced air heater to the plumbing and Electrical. Leak and function check everything ta da happy wife. (hopefully) Anybody have any comments on the use and reliablity of the force 10 propane heaters? I have never used one and one is installed in the boat I am looking at. Other than general access my other concern is to much draw on the engine coolant heat and coolant pump. The engine is a Diesel Universal 25hp. Any comments or ideas would be great. Thanks for the help! Edward
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