Installing Mast Steps


May 27, 2004
Beneteau 393 Bayfield, Wi
I just bought a couple of mast steps to mount 18 inches to two feet above the deck to allow me to handle the mainsail and sailcover better. The installation instructions suggest 5 mm screws or rivets. Which would you choose? If riveting, stainless or aluminum? The mast is aluminum.
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
There is usually not enough material on a mast to get three threads of a metal screw to hold in the aluminum of the mast. If there is vibration, the screw could back out until corrosion builds up between the screw and the mast, then you can't get the screw out, no matter what. Since the pop rivets flare inside the mast, they have better holding power than a screw and you can drill them out if you need to remove the attachment. The subject of rivet material came up on this thread and the general consensus was aluminum Pop-Rivet Selection for Mast Steps | Sailboat Owners Forums . Others in forum may have other opinions about using stainless steel.

You might find this article helpful: Installing mast steps with rivetnuts - Practical Boat Owner (
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
I have that same type of mast steps as you. I looked for pictures to see how I mounted mine but cold not find the mounting detail. But I am pretty sure I used S/S machine screws into tapped holes in the mast. But sure to use Tef-Gel or some kind of anti-seize compound.

One suggestion- At the location where you will be standing to work on your sail and sail cover, put a step on each side of the mast so your feet will be even. Also be sure that the distance between the steps is a comfortable distance and that you are not stretching to reach the next step either up or down.

Edited: FWIW, my steps have been in place for 23+ years with no loosening or issues. I'm not saying it can't happen, just that it is not my experience. YMMV.
Mar 26, 2011
Corsair F-24 MK I Deale, MD
Always coarse threads for soft metals. Any engineering reference. If the boat is big enough that you can reach the boom easily at the mast, the mast is thick enough for this purpose. You can probably measure the thickness at some opening.

Rivets are fine, but bolts with Tefgel make it easier to move them if you decide they are the wrong place, you don't like them, or they break.

I'd test the height with a step stool or similar first. It will make the process less nerve wracking.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
I had exactly the same experience as Rich, and the same 23 years.