Installing halyard organizer plate

Feb 14, 2020
ODay 25 Bayport
I am installing a halyard organizer plate on my ODay 23. There are four bolts, all appear through the deck into the cabin except the one on the port side toward the stern. The bolt turns freely but does not come out. Is this bolt just driven down without a fastener? Can I just pry the plate off with the screw? Should I abort the mission and choose another plan for sending the halyard to the cockpit?


Jul 29, 2018
Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
Were the bolts already there or did you drill holes in the deck and put them there? If they were already there, the one that spins and go through the deck sounds like a mistake and should be removed and made to go all the way through the deck with a proper backing plate. As far as going another route, you don't want to dill too many holes in your deck so I would try to get the holes you have to work. Also remember to seal the deck core with epoxy and bed the organizer properly or you will get water in the core of the deck.
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Jun 25, 2004
Corsair F24 Mk1 003 San Francisco Bay, CA
In most cases, mast steps and halyard organizing plates should be attached to the deck with lag screws only, not with substantial backing plate nor nuts. The reason for this is twofold. One, backing isn’t need because the fasteners are loaded only in shear. They are there for the sole purpose of keeping the butt of the mast from sliding sideways. They are not going to hold the mast up if a spreader, shroud, or stay fails

Two, if the mast falls, taking the mast step or plate with it, you want the fasteners to pull out with minimal damage to the mast and deck. If you through bolt a backing plate, a dismasting leaves a big hole in the deck that lets in water and is very difficult to repair.

If the screw is turning, that means the core into which it is fastened is damaged and should be repaired appropriately. There may be core rot in there.

Judy B
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Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Keep after it as suggested. Some people go the simpler route and attach turning blocks on the mast, but a mast base plate is the way to go IMHO.
Feb 14, 2020
ODay 25 Bayport
Were the bolts already there or did you drill holes in the deck and put them there? If they were already there, the one that spins and go through the deck sounds like a mistake and should be removed and made to go all the way through the deck with a proper backing plate. As far as going another route, you don't want to dill too many holes in your deck so I would try to get the holes you have to work. Also remember to seal the deck core with epoxy and bed the organizer properly or you will get water in the core of the deck.
The bolts were there. I have to believe this is how it was designed- 1984 ODay 23 anniversary model. The problem with the lone bolt is that is is right over the cabin bulkhead wall which hides the nut end from view. Bad design yes. I think I am going to halt the process and run the halyards down the mast through blocks without the deck organizer. Thank you
Feb 14, 2020
ODay 25 Bayport
In most cases, mast steps and halyard organizing plates should be attached to the deck with lag screws only, not with substantial backing plate nor nuts. The reason for this is twofold. One, backing isn’t need because the fasteners are loaded only in shear. They are there for the sole purpose of keeping the butt of the mast from sliding sideways. They are not going to hold the mast up if a spreader, shroud, or stay fails

Two, if the mast falls, taking the mast step or plate with it, you want the fasteners to pull out with minimal damage to the mast and deck. If you through bolt a backing plate, a dismasting leaves a big hole in the deck that lets in water and is very difficult to repair.

If the screw is turning, that means the core into which it is fastened is damaged and should be repaired appropriately. There may be core rot in there.

Judy B
Thank you Dr. Judy. More inspection and strategizing necessary.
Feb 14, 2020
ODay 25 Bayport
Keep after it as suggested. Some people go the simpler route and attach turning blocks on the mast, but a mast base plate is the way to go IMHO.
Yes. I think I am going to use the simpler method because I do not want to create other problems. Thank you.
May 23, 2016
O'Day 1984 23 Island Park, NY
I've always suspected that's where the last bolt is on my bday 23same year... Have the organizer plate ready to go... I won't mind moving the bulkhead since it's rotting near the sole and needs replacement anyway... Friend did his , not too big an issue...
For the record looks like the original was thru bolted but no backing plate.