Input needed.

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Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
I'm looking into a roller furling for my '85 H'31. This is next years project but I tend to over-analyze most everthing I do. I have heard a lot of good about the Harken stuff (of course), ProFurl, CDI etc etc but there is a fairly new unit on the market. It is from Spin-tec. They have only been marketing these for a little over a year and have over 100 units sold. Ms Dawn Riley (the queen of sailing, not to be confused with our own Head Mistress) has endorsed this product. Does ANYONE have any knowledge of these unit either pro or con. If anyone is interested in checking these out they can be found at (

Mark Johnson

Steve..I'd be hesitant..

to buy a product like a furling system without a proven track record. I think you might be better off with one of the name brands you mentioned. They have been around for a long time and are proven. Mark Johnson


more info need

im like you steve, i will be adding roller furling either this fall or next spring, i also tend to research thing till it drives my wife crazy. from what i gathered off the spin tec web page i wander if the system can be mounted below deck, i know i can use extensions to bring it up. may be they have more info on paper about the product then on ther web page?

Gary Jensen

roller furling

I purchased a roller furling system for my 36 Catalina.(six yeards ago) I purchased a 1.5 Harken. I now have a Schaffer 2100 on my 380 Catalina. I do like the Schaffer over the other cause the drum is open and should the furling line overlap itself, it would be easier to untangle. My Harken overlaped one day in 30 knots wind and it gave me fits!!! I furled the sail, by hand, till I got to the dock where I untangled it. If it were the Schaffer, I could have done it even in the strong wind..
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Ted, give um a call

Ted: If you call Spin-tec they will let you know. It does not look like it would work below deck, but I'm not that familar with that setup. For me that is not an issue. If you read the info on their site it looks like they have done their homework. Simple and well thought out. But that may be a lot different than not working correctly when you need it the most! The owners name is George and he is the Marquesa's(sp?) until late August. Their office is only about 100 miles from my house and on the way to the boat. I may stop by their operation and check things out in the late summer. Hope we get some feed back from someone who has one or someone who knows about them.

Mac Lindsay

Roller furling H31

Steve; I installed Pro furl roller furling on my head sail 12 years ago on my 1984 H31 and have not had a single problem. The open drum is important if the furling line overlaps itself as it can be easily corrected. I have never regretted my decision for purchasing the pro furl. When I was choosing a furling system, all of the majors showed the same quality of manufacture. It came down to a coin toss and pro furl won. regards; Mac Lindsay sv Kitkatla H31


An additional consideration

Check out what the procedure is for adjusting the forestay turnbuckle with the particular furler you are looking at.
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