Info on Keel

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cory rosenbaum

I am buying a 71 Columbia 34 and there is a slight gap ).25" at the front and aft ends of the keel and it looks like you can see the outline of where the keel is fixed on the hull. Is this a normal thing to see ? How should I deal with it ? Thanks

Jamie McArthur

keels fall off

get a good marine survey BEFORE you buy. Gaps in keels aren't good

Pernell Taylor

I have seen this before

I have a Columbia 34 MII that I bought in December 98 the previous response to get a good marine surveyor to look at the boat is a good idea. I have had the same issue since I bought the boat and what I did was add six bolts to the keel sealed with epoxy so far so good!!! The only thing I would have done different was paint the new bolts sooner as they have discolored my bilge. Not a super big deal. I you haul the boat and grind out a quarter inch gap let it dry out for a while and then fill and fair it and add a layer of glass I bet it would last quite some time. However make sure you have a GOOD surveyor look at it. I hope this helps Captain Pern
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