In the water


Jun 30, 2009
Catalina 310 Atwood Lake
It was a cool and windy day in Ohio but PainKiller is back in the water and at her dock. Plenty of work that must be done but good to be back and not climbing ladders.


Dec 16, 2011
Catalina 310 Atlantic Highlands
Very nice! I just purchased a 310 (#48) and the yard splashed her while I was on vacation. I'm going up Saturday to check on her and load equipment prior to bringing her home in early to mid-May.
Aug 24, 2009
Catalina 310 Sturgeon Bay, WI
Very very nice, and what a pretty little spot to be docked.

Your missing a few things that we have here in WI still, like ice on the water, snow in the woods.....

I envy your location and good fortune. I am told we will be lucky to be in this year by Memorial Day, making a short summer even shorter.
Feb 9, 2005
Catalina 310 City Island, New York City
Was happy to be launched (to a mooring) here in New York City on Tuesday, and then the wind picked up and has been blowing 30 plus kts with gusts in the 40s since. Be careful what you wish for!
Should calm down by tomorrow and weekend looks good for cracking on sails and hopefully a nice brisk spring sail in the Sound :)
Aug 19, 2013
oday 23 nockamixon
Sitting in a hotel on long island with winds gusting to 40, wondering if I'll get my little tub in the water back in PA any time soon.
Work and honey do lists are rubbing me the wrong way so far this year.
Would love to be close enough to sail in proper water


Jun 30, 2009
Catalina 310 Atwood Lake
SawyerCurt congrats on getting a great boat!

I love this list and hearing from all the different owners in their various locations. I am sure after such a hard winter we will all be happy for some sailing time. The winter hit everyone this year no matter what part of the country we were in.

Locations are always a compromise. On our little lake we never really get run off the lake by weather unless of course it is something like a tornado warning. However if we want blue water sailing with the nice long tacks we have to go some where else.

I'm very lucky to have retired young enough to be able to do a lot of things including my own boat work. I remember how stressed I used to get about all the spring work around the house and still finding time to get to the boat and get it ready. Of course I know one of us that just sold their house and will only be worried about getting the boat ready for cruising. Jealous!


Feb 22, 2006
Catalina 310 Cape May, NJ
If you need any help or anything, I'm right down the road. Well, kind of. Was up your way in S. Amboy at the sailmaker yesterday.
Dec 16, 2011
Catalina 310 Atlantic Highlands
Here is Jacqueline, in the water but without the boom, sails, bimini, or dodger (yet!). Have to bring her home next month.
