Ike - The Big Picture!



A picture is worth a thousand words, someone once said. These are worth at least 1,000,000 words each.

Kind Regards,


Jul 21, 2005
Hunter 31 San Pedro, Ca
Thanks, Jonbill...

glad you're safe, hope your family and home are as well.

That one house standing in the mass of destruction, just looks like it's impossible. I read about it, and it looks like it really did survive.

I'm just stunned by the total destruction on Galveston - I've been there a couple of times, stayed at the hotel out on the pier that survived.

Maybe it's time to give the destroyed sections of Galveston Island back to nature..... in fact, the house that survived was re-built after Hurricane.. Rita? Wilma?..... just seems pretty stupid to re-build that island yet again.


Jun 15, 2004
- - Edmond, OK
That house may not survive

With the reshaping of Galveston Island, that house may now be on public land (defined as the limit of high tide). Meanwhile, the insurance industry has not improved after Katrina, with the ability to collect on your lost house in limbo with your flood policy holder saying you lost your house to wind, and your wind policy holder saying it was flooding. All they have to do is preserve the status quo, i.e., they have your money, and you have no house.
My first honeymoon was at a friend's house in Pirate's Beach (college student, and tapped out all my savings on a wedding night room at the Houstonian). It, and all the rest, are gone. I agree - it may be time to make at least the West End of the island a new seaside state park.