Ideas for Stern Rail seats on Center Cockpit S2

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Nov 13, 2013
S2 9.2C Jersey City, NJ
Just got ourselves a 1983 S2 9.2C this summer and love it so far!

Now it's time to dig into the coffers once again for some upgrades =).

One of the biggest reasons that we bought this particular boat is that we love to entertain. Having the big center cockpit is a huge plus. We often have 7 or 8 people on the boat when we go out. Of course, we already clogged up the plumbing for the head, but that's another story....

Even with the big center cockpit, we find that we want MORE seating on deck. I started looking at stern perch seats, but they just won't work for our boat. The deck above the aft cabin is raised, so the lower stern rail is about the same height as the deck there. And, of course, I can't mount it to the top of the stern rail for fear of someone getting knocked right off from a nice NYC ferry wake.

I found some pictures on Google that illustrate how the stern rail is positioned. See how the aft deck bumps up and comes up right up to the middle rail of the stern pushpit.

First, I was thinking, would a cockpit seat for a powerboat work? Something like this? I would cut down the stand that it's on, but it seems like it would put a lot of stress on that section of deck.

Maybe something like this would work? * It's meant to anchor to the stern rail, so maybe it would anchor to mine? Again, though, no armrests and I don't like the idea of people flying off the boat after hitting a wake.

I was hoping that some of you might have some better ideas?
May 10, 2004
Catalina 30 Puget Sound
How about a couple of those folding blue padded chairs from West Marine? They sit flat on the deck, bow, cockpit or where ever. I love mine. Sailed to Hawaii with a couple of them and they held up well. Comfortable even when wet. Just put garbage bags over them....SS


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY
mount a couple of swiveling white helm chairs from west marine on either side of the deck hatch.......

ok... that's a joke.
Nov 30, 2009
Oday 28 Lake Michigan
mount a couple of swiveling white helm chairs from west marine on either side of the deck hatch.......

ok... that's a joke.

Might be expensive but you asked for ideas. How about having a small (narrow) custom stern rail made to be attached to the aft edge of the aft cabin roof. Then have the seats incorporated in your custom rail. It would put the people high enough to see. People could still sit at the back of the center cockpit and not be in their way. They would be behind and out of the way of the traveler. And most important.......your boat won't look like a BASS Boat with the chairs on raised decks!!!!!!!!!
Nov 13, 2013
S2 9.2C Jersey City, NJ
Might be expensive but you asked for ideas. How about having a small (narrow) custom stern rail made to be attached to the aft edge of the aft cabin roof. Then have the seats incorporated in your custom rail. It would put the people high enough to see. People could still sit at the back of the center cockpit and not be in their way. They would be behind and out of the way of the traveler. And most important.......your boat won't look like a BASS Boat with the chairs on raised decks!!!!!!!!!
That's not a bad idea actually. I was thinking about getting a custom rail made for the current stern rail and just having it a lot higher. But putting a custom rail on that aft raised deck itself might be the ticket. Didn't think of that.

Now...wonder how much that would set us back...

@seanshine - I'm worried that if we don't mount something, someone will fly off the boat when we suddenly heel over from a gust.

Thanks for the suggestions! If anyone else has any good ideas, keep them coming!
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
I understand your issues. Here's what many of us have done, DIY:,6816.0.html

You need some kind of support or handhold, as you say.

Unless you do put them on the bottom. Just because people's feet and legs will stick straight out doesn't mean it won't work for short periods.

Good luck.
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