Id like to thank the Board of Governors...


Sep 12, 2019
Catalina, Hobbie 22, 16 Windycrest
For attending my cribway completion project. Thank you. Thank you. Without this forum's support this would not be possible...

Quick questions. Is it a cardinal sin to to varnish teak?

I still have small holes in my companion way. Is there something else to make the companion way water/wasp tight?


Sep 25, 2008
Macgregor & Island Packet VENTURE 25 & IP-38 NORTH EAST, MD
My MacGregor 25 has similar "holes". I fold up afew of those paper shop towels, slide the hatch aft of its closed position, place the towel in the hole, and slide hatch shut. The hatch traps the towel in place. When it rains, the towel gets wet, but stays in place and when dry it becomes "formed" to the space. In the winter it freezes and keeps the snow from blowing in. It also does a fine job of keeping the bees out. Its a simple, quick solution.


Jun 3, 2012
Hunter 33 Steamboat Wharf, Hull, MA
Very common problem. If you inspect a lot of sailboats in a mooring field you will find that the better designed boats have the companionway boards perfectly vertical and not raked as yours (and mine) are. I imagine those boats do not have this problem.
Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
Have a sunbrella cover fabricated to include the slider and hatch boards. Will keep things dry & prevent the varnish from weathering. Wouldn’t bet on it being wasp free.