I Need SF Bay Area Boat Insurance

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Jan 22, 2008
Cherubini 37c HULL#37 Alameda
I need to find an insurer for my boat that is being moved from Texas to SF CA .I presently use State Farm. They insure everything I own so I get a good rate $79 a mo for $80,000 of coverage. I got a quote from a State Farm guy in Alameda and was quoted $96 a mo.For a month now Ive be talking on the phone with this D-Bag I finally told him to write up a policy and date it to start on Nov. 15 and send a copy of the certificate of insurance to the harbor master at the marina. When the boat arrives I will cancel my Texas ins. and get the balance refunded Easy wright ? Wrong. He fills out a application for insurance that looks like a 5 year old wrote and sends that. What is wrong with people now days ? We live in a service word and the service sucks ! It also seems odd that the cost of insurance is more in Ca. than hurricane ally. If you live in the Bay Area, Who do you use ? I need to find one quick so I can secure a slip at the marina. They wont accept me with Texas insurance. That seems odd too. What if I sailed into the area and was hanging out for a few months. I'm sure my present insurance would be fine then. I cant believe what a headache this issue has been. Its ridiculous. Maybe you know someone I can trust ?
Oct 22, 2008
- Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
Call BoatUS or Christine Hartge at Hartge Insurance in Maryland. Either will be able to help you get a decent policy.

I need to find an insurer for my boat that is being moved from Texas to SF CA .I presently use State Farm. They insure everything I own so I get a good rate $79 a mo for $80,000 of coverage. I got a quote from a State Farm guy in Alameda and was quoted $96 a mo.For a month now Ive be talking on the phone with this D-Bag I finally told him to write up a policy and date it to start on Nov. 15 and send a copy of the certificate of insurance to the harbor master at the marina. When the boat arrives I will cancel my Texas ins. and get the balance refunded Easy wright ? Wrong. He fills out a application for insurance that looks like a 5 year old wrote and sends that. What is wrong with people now days ? We live in a service word and the service sucks ! It also seems odd that the cost of insurance is more in Ca. than hurricane ally. If you live in the Bay Area, Who do you use ? I need to find one quick so I can secure a slip at the marina. They wont accept me with Texas insurance. That seems odd too. What if I sailed into the area and was hanging out for a few months. I'm sure my present insurance would be fine then. I cant believe what a headache this issue has been. Its ridiculous. Maybe you know someone I can trust ?


Jun 3, 2006
Catalina 36mkII Alameda CA
Ihave Boat US and their rates are lower than my other insurer and they have done well by me as far as claims.
Jan 22, 2008
Cherubini 37c HULL#37 Alameda
Never mind people. I got it.

I purchased on-line, in my skivvies through United Marine Underwriters. $300,000 for $51 a month. I loath corrupt companies constantly trying to stick it where it don't go. State Fart Ins. wanted me to stay in the bay for $97 a month. WTF ? One day, I'm going to Mexico. Because my new insurance co. say's I can ! :ass:


Jan 28, 2007
Jeanneau 39i-P Milwaukee, WI
Sailboat Insurance

Our 2007 Jeanneau 39i-Performance is insured by RLI Marine, the agent is Peter Arndt @ International Special Risk located in New Gloucester, ME. Peter's telephone # is 207-688-6420 Ext. 16. The coverage is for five months 05/16 - 10/14. Higher coverage than Boat US at significantly lower premiums. Our homeowners/auto insurance company does not issue policies for boats with a stove or oven.
Mar 12, 2008
Jeanneau 49 DS San Pedro, CA
Allstate writes my coverage. I have higher liability limits than what BoatUS would give me at half the price.
Mar 22, 2004
Hunter 30 Vero Beach

Here's another thought, One time I went to 2 different agents that sold insurance for the same company, and got 2 different quotes. It was for auto insurance, but I'd be willing to bet that they all do the same thing.

Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Not all policies are created equal. Replacement value or agreed upon value will be quite different if you want to replace the vessel or have a mortgage.

If you have a car insurance company, check your policy!

$80k in the bay & delta is less than $600/yr. with agreed upon value.
Oct 22, 2005
Hunter 44DS Redondo Beach, CA
State Farm is way overpriced on boat insurance. You could probably find an agreed value policy close to what they want. Try Boat US or Allstate.


May 8, 2004
Hunter 27 Bellingham, WA
I am also going to recommend BoatUS for your boat insurance.....but for different reasons. A few years ago a boat two slips down broke into flames, burned to the water line, caught the boat which shared our finger pier on fire as well and we had significant damage although repairable. This happened on a Friday night. Big time chaos on our docks in the marina. The next morning someone called me to say my boat was possibly damaged and I rushed down to the marina. Already there was a representative from BoatUS looking at the boat next to us--his client. He freely gave me advice but my insurance agent didn't answer his phone until Monday morning. I had several years of negotiating before my claim was settled. Lots of dithering by my insurance.

I watched that Saturday morning as the BoatUS agent wrote a check to my dock partner just to get his boat cleared and disposed of. My friend bought a new used boat about six months later. I was still negotiating with my local insurance (who are now out of the business).

I saw this happen one more time in a major wind storm that did damage to a number of boats in the harbor. BoatUS agents were there right away. No other agents.

After the boat burning I asked my surveyor who I knew personally, what were some good insurances... The only national one he mentioned was BoatUS and he said they pay him promptly when completing a survey.

While low monthly payments may be very important--having the insurance company take care of your needs when needed is important to me. If I were looking for insurance in SF I'd ask how they can be contacted, how fast do they get to help you, do they replace or repair and is it their surveyor or yours.

A closing remark: I am still ticked after all these years after my boat was burned that the agent never once in all the time I had to deal with him did he say something like, "I'm sorry your boat got damaged. You must feel terrible." or something like that. Not once. A major Seattle marine insurance company. No heart at all.
Oct 16, 2009
Catalina 30 San Francisco
For what it's worth, here's what I've got going, through AllState. I am in the San Francisco marina.

Actual Cash Value 35,000
AA - Liability 500,000
CC - Medical Payments 2,000
TT - Physical Damage 35,000
Deductible 500
Policy Coverages
Emergency Services Cov 500

Yearly Premium: $202.00
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
Somthing to Watch For

Many of the "auto" insurance companie who insure boats do not cover salvage. Many folks out here have been paid for a boat sunk or beached during a storm only to find out they are on their own to remove the boat from someones back yard or raise it off the bottom of the channel. A couple that sank at the dock incured the enviornmental clean up task that must occur as well.
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Nov 1, 2009
Oday DS1 Trailer
I believe State Farm will not pay for salvage.

I have had good luck with TwinRivers and BoatUS. On older boats, TwinRivers was better to work with.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
After being on this site since its near inception, the insurance issue has come up many times. We have only had a few complaints about BoatUS insurnace. I switched over from Allstate because of the statements from owners that had major damage and were insured with BoatUS. Very few or minor issues. This is NOT the case with the car iinsurance companies.

Most of us will never know what happens when we are under insured with most insurance weather it be medical, automobile or marine. That is good for us. When we have something major, then the "truth" comes out.

My BoatUS insurance was actually within 10% of the cost of my Allstate policy (slightly less).

Here is a explaination of the difference in the definition of Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost.


PS: I have no idea who this guy is, but it is worth reading.


Jun 10, 2004
S2 9.2A Winthrop, MA
State Farm

I believe State Farm will not pay for salvage.

I have had good luck with TwinRivers and BoatUS. On older boats, TwinRivers was better to work with.
After the difficulty my Friends had with State Farm after Katrina I would never insure with them. After initially agreeing to pay for their brand new home, which was wiped out, they sent a shyster adjuster to reneg on the claim. The court later threw out that adjuster's stuff entirely because he didn't even have the correct GPS coordinates for the site! :snooty:
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