Hunter 49 / 50 Fischer Panda owners…

Jun 1, 2009
Hunter 49 toronto
Ok, so this isn’t a post about the genset itself. Mine works fine …thankfully
It’s about the bilge area, and the genset comes into play here.
On my 49, my main bilge is “sawdust dry”. I hate stinky bilge water.
While doing maintenance, I noticed that there was a small bilge area under the genset, just aft of the main bilge.
This area can get a bunch of sand and crud in it over time. I try to keep the obvious stuff cleaned up.
I noticed that there is a bilge area under the generator, which seemed to be full of dirty bilge water.
Sprayed a hose in there, and it didn’t drain.
Got into the main bilge, and saw that there was, in fact, a (approx) 1” drain hole leading to the genset bilge, but nothing was draining out.
After a bunch of prodding with a “pointed stick”, (for all you Monty Python fans out there), I finally started to get a trickle of water.
After working at this for awhile, I was able to unplug a rather solid hole of bilge crud cement. It now drains perfectly, and the genset bilge is sparkling clean.
This is something to investifate, and spend a few minutes remedying. I know someone who flooded the genset bilge, and it was a $20k problem