Hunter 34 primary winches

Feb 28, 2006
Hunter 34 610 Narragansett Bay
I sail a 1984 Hunter 34. Primary winches are Maxwell 24 st with base diameter of 6". I was given a pair of Lewmar 46 st with a base diameter of 7". In order to make them work I would have to remove large cleat on top of coaming and move winch location toward the cabin as the coaming widens as you move forward. Is there anything I need to consider when repositioning the winch location? Thank you, Randy
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
Will the sheet still clear the edge of the cabin in the new location? When I upgraded the primaries on my O’Day 322, the larger diameter of the winch (and didn’t have to move mine forward at all), the jib sheet rubs on the edge of the cabin top. After awhile, I noticed the line is actually wearing away the fiberglass where it rubs. So I had to put a SS wear plate in that spot.

Also, do you have access to the bottom of the winch in the new location? One of mine was readily accessible in the lazzarette, but the other side was only accessible through an access hole cut in the fiberglass liner. Since I wasn‘t moving the winch, it was just a pain in the arse to reach the bolts…but I didn’t have to cut any new access holes.

Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
My previous owner added the Lewmar 43'sIMG_0342.JPG and left the original Maxwells .. Everything works .. as you can see, the Lewmars are forward and outboard of the combing centerline.DSC00005.JPG