Hunter 33 Water Heater and Holding Tank Layouts

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Sep 27, 2008
Hunter 41 Longport,NJ
Rennovating and old Hunter 33 and looking for suggestions on best placement of holding tank and Seaward water heater. I'm trying to maximize the space in the area, and have found it very useful on this older boat to be able to climb down and into the area. The current holding tank is not even secured yet, and I inherited a new Seaward water heater - they both take up alot of space ! Strangely, the water pump and hoses are rather unmounted down in the bildge. I'd love to be able to have a custom holding tank placed in this space, but just don't have that much cash. The macerator system is mounted to the bulkhead behind the head. Has anyone delt with this and have suggestions ? Photo of current configuration in photo. Thanks Jim


Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 37-cutter, '79 41 23' 30"N 82 33' 20"W--------Huron, OH

Paul F

Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 1980 - 33 Bradenton
You are looking at the only space available - the starboard lazarette for the tanks, water heater and holding tank. All you can do is fit them in the best you can. Being in Florida I took out the water heater to save space. I am thinking of buying a square shaped 4 gal. replacement but, may not as I like the space. My boat also has a flexible bladder for the holding tank, hanging under where your macerator pump is, instead of the fixed one you have. Many people say they are trouble but I keep mine cleaned out and have not had a problem with it. The water pump is screwed to the floor of the compartment. Would recommend you do that. Also, put a cover over this compartment so that items do not fall in to it and break open a water line. My head exit hose does not go though this little compartment. Maybe you could put an access hole in the compartments cover to allow the hose to pass through.



Hi Jim, it sounds like you love working on your boat, as I do. A couple of comments.

1. In your first photo there appears to be an elbow fitting that extends through the hull. Hard to tell, but if so that is cause for concern especially if below the water line. Any through hull below the water line should use a standard fitting with bronze sea cock.

2. Our layout is a bit different than yours, but I prefer to locate replacement system components in existing locations. Our macerator pump is secured to a bulkhead beneath the sole in a small compartment next to the holding tank. The six gallon holding tank on our first boat, an H28, was located in the starboard lazarette locker next to the fuel tank and secured to the hull with SS strap. The six gallon water heater on our current boat is secured to the sole with flanges and is located right next to the water pump and pump filters.

Terry Cox
Oct 14, 2005
1983 Hunter H34 North East, MD

not familiar with your particular boat, but after just looking at the layout I'd suggest you find a way to shorten all that hosing (except for the one leading to the deck pump-out fitting) so you don't have so much "stuff" sitting in the hoses. The macerator and Y-valve seem to be placed higher than they need to be. It would place less strain on the macerator pump if it doesn't have to lift the "stuff" up so high.

Given your location, unless you plan to continue to go off-shore, I would also suggest you get rid of the Y-valve and close-off the thru-hull pump-out fitting. Better to pump out than get caught inside the back bay with set-up that permits you to "dump". "Green" is the thing on the Chesapeake Bay anymore.
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