Hunter 27 Cockpit Instrument Access

Oct 27, 2024
Hunter 27-2 Rogersville
How in the world does one get access to the area behind where this instrument is mounted? I thought there might be an access from inside the head, but nothing.

Cockpit Instrument.jpg
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
If you can tell us the make and model of the instrument, we will be able to tell you if the instrument can be entered from the front or the back and how to.
Oct 27, 2024
Hunter 27-2 Rogersville
Yes, sorry, this is the only picture I have of the instrument, but it is an Autohelm Bidata ST30.

This is from the manual:
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Maybe just a little more information is needed :


Above is the Autohelm Round Bidata ST30 which "could", with one hell of a lot of work and ingenuity, might be installed without access to the rear of the instrument.

Which one is yours ?
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Instrument may be mounted with double sided tape after wires are fished through the space between bulkhead and liner?
Oct 27, 2024
Hunter 27-2 Rogersville
It is the rectangular version and the image I sent is from the owner's manual, which I have.

Is there a chance this unit was factory installed? It is slightly loose on the cockpit wall, and, at a minimum, should be tightened. It currently does not power on (a separate issue) and so I don't know if it even operates. If it needs to be replaced I'll need to get access to, presumably, the nuts behind the cockpit wall.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Instrument may be mounted with double sided tape after wires are fished through the space between bulkhead and liner?
Now why couldn't I come up with an idea like that ? Doubtful, but if nothing else seems to fit, why not ?


Maybe the previous owner (unless that's you) was having an acid flashback to the sixties while sitting in the cockpit one day. Seeing that everything was looking pretty groovy right then :


.............. and being totally unable to screw the instrument on to the cockpit wall, he did the following :

- drilled two holes into the cockpit walls to match the holes for the fixing studs in the instrument.

- slopped lots of glue (maybe even epoxy glue) into the two holes in the cockpit wall.

- slopped lots of glue on to the two fixing studs which were partially screwed into the instrument.

- pressed the instrument and its studs into place and held everything tightly in place with duct tape until the glue dried.

- voilà, it held. For a short while anyway.


The previous owner was soooooooo hammered out of his skull on that day, he just applied contact cement to the #4 sealing gasket and the corresponding area on the cockpit wall, jammed them both together and said the hell with it. Be sure to look for wood rot if you do get back there.

Regardless of what you have back there :

It is slightly loose on the cockpit wall,
........................ and by gently working the instrument lightly back and forth over a period of time, you may be able to break away whatever glue, contact cement, double sided tape, pixie dust, or whatever else may be holding the instrument temporarily in place at this time.

Desperate times call for desperate measures !
Oct 27, 2024
Hunter 27-2 Rogersville
Well, I answered this for myself, but just in case anyone else has the same question, the area behind the exterior panel where the instrument is mounted is accessible from the cockpit locker adjacent to the panel. I took the attached picture laying in the locker face up and looking up behind the panel. I'm not exactly sure if I could actually reach far enough up to touch the fasteners that fix the instrument, but it is accessible. The panel to the left is the back wall of the head and the screws that are visible are where a mirror attaches. I suppose I could remove the mirror and cut an access hole. Getting out was a whole lot of fun!

Boat is a 1989 Hunter 27


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Mar 14, 2022
Hunter 27 Bush River
I have a 93 27' and I was just going to answer your question, but you found it. My wife lay inside the locker and was able to reach the backside of the instrument. Good luck
Oct 27, 2024
Hunter 27-2 Rogersville
blowboat2001, thanks for the reply. I was able to lay face-up in the looker and see the back of the instrument, but I had doubts as to whether I could reach the nuts. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks again.