Hunter 260 steering issue

Jun 24, 2011
Gypsea Kids Hunter 260 Trenton ON, Canada
Hi folks
We’ve notice a crack developing in the gas locker Of our 99 260 with the Edison steering system, on the stbd pulley mount. A number of questions:
1. Has any other 260/270 owner experienced this?
2. What was your fix?
3. What is the backing plate material imbedded in the fibreglass?
4. Has Hunter disclosed this was a design flaw and have provided a recommended repair?
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Feb 5, 2004
Tartan 3800 20 Westport, MA
You mean that crack where the light is coming in, in the right? Wow. Curious to hear how this resolves.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
This is a question for me to answer. Which crack first? The one with sunlight coming thru? One in the fiberglass?? A picture of the outside fiberglass wall would be helpful.

For the record the 260 and 270 shared the same deck plate in the cockpit while there I one for a tiller. That was design change from the 26.

I await further information
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Could excessive tension in the steering linkage be causing it? Backing should be strong enough to take it though.
Jun 24, 2011
Gypsea Kids Hunter 260 Trenton ON, Canada
The light shining through is not from the crack but daylight between the hull portion of the deck and the captains seat/fuel locker. If you look closely, you can see the crack just to left of the light, propagating upwards to the 90 degree bend where it then goes in a diagonal direction. The secondary cracking, just above the pulley, and the diagonal crack propagation, at the 90 degree bend, was the result of our most recent day sail where we heard the pulley backing material separating from the fibreglass. On closer inspection we found the original crack (the one just to the left of the daylight). Not sure how old the original crack is, but suspect it’s quite a bit older, given how much dirt and grime came out of it compared to the diagonal crack and the crack above the pulley after a through cleaning. Given that Gypsea Kids is in her 21st year (although those of you that have followed my thread may realize she’s been on the hard for a year and a half because of our demasting, and no, I don’t believe the two are related), I’m not all that surprised that some stress cracking has appeared in areas where flexing is evident (again raising the question of design flaw).
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
New one for me. Since I do not know the history of the boat, @Justin_NSA suggested is that cable strung too tight? If so loosen up some. Then is it just the gel coat that has cracked? Are you the first owner or not? Heavy weather or high wave sailing, etc.?
Jun 24, 2011
Gypsea Kids Hunter 260 Trenton ON, Canada
New one for me. Since I do not know the history of the boat, @Justin_NSA suggested is that cable strung too tight? If so loosen up some. Then is it just the gel coat that has cracked? Are you the first owner or not? Heavy weather or high wave sailing, etc.?
Hi Dave. Nice (?) to touch base with you again (last time was the demasting incident). As requested I’ve inc more photos. Unfortunately only one from outside the gas locker, and as depicted, because the Edison steering platfrom fits into a recessed section of the cockpit, the crack below the 90 degree bend in the platform is not visible. As for the cable being strung too tight? I have to ask what would be considered too tight? When we bought the boat in 2010, (we’re the third owner) I noticed a lot of slack in the rudder play. To remedy this I first replaced the plastic washers on the rudder flange assymbly and then adjusted the slack in the cable but only to the extent to remove any play in the steering. Moving the steering from one stop to the other I’ve noticed flex in the crack so no, I think it’s gone deeper then the gelcoat. The worst weather we’ve been out in was in the North Channel of Georgian Bay, going into Gore Bay. Possibly 4-6 foot waves, 17-20 knot winds steady, stbd tack, close hauled, mainsail only and we were reefed. That was for about 3 hours and was worse then forecasted. There have been similar occasions out on Lake Ontario but normally, our sail plans are made in fair weather/fair weather forecasts.
Jun 24, 2011
Gypsea Kids Hunter 260 Trenton ON, Canada
So, after consultation with a repair guy, it appears the culprit was likely the hole that was drilled to pass the throttle control wiring through to the motor. When epoxy was added to seal the hole to much was put in causing expansion which resulted in a poor seal. Consequently, over the years water egressed into the area rotting the wood backing enough to cause delamination and then cracking. A secondary, but likely equal issue was the pulley. It is mounted about two inches forward in relation to its opposite pulley. Along with the poor design (note the sharp 90 degree corner), the excessive flexing over the years would have contributed to the delamination and cracking. A temporary repair will be carried out to see us through the season and then over the winter a permanent repair will done.


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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Is that pulley being shown on port or starboard side? I am having a difficult time trying to understand. Is the throttle and gear shifter for the motor on the wheel steering? Is there a separate key switch attached some where and if so where is it ?

The photo appears the pulley is on the port side The only wire hunter had in the gas locker for the stern rail aft navigation light was on the starboard corner side
Jun 24, 2011
Gypsea Kids Hunter 260 Trenton ON, Canada
Is that pulley being shown on port or starboard side? I am having a difficult time trying to understand. Is the throttle and gear shifter for the motor on the wheel steering? Is there a separate key switch attached some where and if so where is it ?

The photo appears the pulley is on the port side The only wire hunter had in the gas locker for the stern rail aft navigation light was on the starboard corner side
Hi Dave. The pulley is on the port side. The wiring is from the throttle control unit for a Honda outboard The throttle control unit is mounted just forward (the three mount bolts are visible in the photo) of the access hole for the wiring. The key and kill switch key are on the throttle control unit. The bottom of the throttle control unit is visible in the third photo of my first reply to you.