Hunter 26 Inspection Port Water Basin Thingy??

Aug 10, 2021
Hunter 26 Utah Lake State Park

Not a huge issue, I was more curious than anything. I'm a new Hunter 26 owner and pulled the boat out of the water to do some maintenance. Minimal yet continuous amounts of water keeps flowing into this little basin. I soak it up and it keeps coming in. What is it for and where would this water be coming from? I assumed it was some sort of water level indicator for the water ballast, but I have the ballast valve removed for replacement so I don't know how the ballast would have any water in it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Dec 20, 2020
Prindle 16' Corrotoman River, VA
You are saying there is a basin in the corner of the floor where the circle is? Or are you talking about the bottom step?

My floor is flat in the corner. Here is a pic from another persons boat

Also the water ballast valve is more or less a big plate on the bottom of the boat. If it's not there then water can come in or out of the ballast tank. Though I don't see this as the issue. My guess is rain water that is settling into the corner.
Dec 2, 2003
Hunter 260 winnipeg, Manitoba
The access cover you show to the left of the ballast tank riser/step must have been added by a previous owner. If your bilge area is dry (under aft berth) I would check your water line connections back to the tank for leaks and look at the area around the mast step for leaks due to rain. Both are common issues that will allow water to flow on the top of the ballast tank - which is what you would see through access hatch.

If you were in the water recently you may also have a leak at the air vent plug for the ballast tank, under the wing nut for the ballast tank or at the bottom of the compression post at the riser to the tank there.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
On your boat , that Served mostly as an inspection port which was not needed. This was addressed with the owner of Hunter and that was stopped. @eddyfastx send me a private message. I know your boat too well