Hunter 240 mast replacement

Oct 13, 2017
Hunter 240 Great Salt Lake Marina
I had a disaster when raising my mast on my 1998 Hunter 240. Long story short, the mast is now in two pieces. Any ideas on who to contact to get a replacement?
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
US Spars in Gainsville, FL

Probably, I think some were built with a different brand.
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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
Forget the sleeve idea if it broke plus they do not have one. US Spars is actually ZSpar but that is a long story. Ask for Dave in sales. I think you get all new standing rigging and spreaders too. As a backup, you can order the forum store as they have the mast part number for the mast
Oct 13, 2017
Hunter 240 Great Salt Lake Marina
Thanks to all of you for your suggestions. As Crazy Dave suggested I will call Dave in sales at US Spars.
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