Hunter 23

Sep 2, 2024
Hunter Hunter 23 Buffalo
I recently acquired a Hunter 23. Like most boats I aquire it is a bit of a project. We currently own a Pearson 365 ketch which i have owned for 20 years. It was a huge project (partially sank in its slip). We also own a Melges 24 for racing purposes. It too was and still is an on going project. Ultimately I would love to take the Pearson to Maine but I have learned the hard way that time is the ultimate big gatekeeper. We operate a retail marine chandlerly in Buffalo, NY and that alone keeps us busy all year long. For the near and long term Maine is not achievable on the 365. Somewhere around 25 years ago I acquired a Seaward 23 and we trailered that boat all kinds of interesting places. I sold it just before we purchased the Pearson and to this day wish I never did. So... this Hunter 23 (abandon at the marina we frequently work at) was just sitting there, an orphan. Initially I started working on it to resell. I needed another boat like a hole in the head. As I cleaned and repaired I was impressed in the simplicity and space such a small light trailerable possessed. It wasn't long before trailer sailing Maine became a montra and everything was inspected and improved. I have worked on the best gold platters money can buy and never dreamed I would own a Hunter. Working on all of those boats has also revealed some of the best names are not what they appear. This 23 Hunter for what it is, is all one needs to travel down the highway at 60 mph to a destination of choice. I am about 2 weeks away from dropping her into Maine waters and quite excited about the whole thing. This 23 will be perhaps not like most. Almost every replaciment part was repurchased off of some other good old boat. She will have all stainless Barrients. Spinlock rope clutches, a cruising kite in a sock and even an on board diesel heater. I am looking forward to more adventure in this boat than most anything we have sailed over the past 20 years. I am not new to the site however I have never posted. I am looking forward to posting ideas and improvements, as well as reading about all of yours. Good sailing... Dale