hunter 23 1990 compass

Jun 16, 2024
Hunter 23 Lake Arthur
I need to replace my compass. All of the liquid (oil?) leaked out. Should I get original one that was salvaged from another boat or get an all electric version?
Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
As the resident Luddite I say go for the salvaged one.
Every boat needs a magnetic compass like a child needs a mother. She directs you to a safe course, is truthful and wants to keep you out of trouble.
It's just a mariner thing.
Your existing compass without fluid is re-fillable. But there is likely a leak and if worth while could be send for repair - but likely a replacement is cheaper. I refilled one and it lasted a season or so, which was OK since the refill was cheap and easy. Instructions are available online.
I can't bad mouth electronic compasses but they don't have centuries of service behind them.
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
You might be able to have it refurbished, or if you are really cheap like me, refill it yourself.

I think it is Ritchie that refurbishes compasses? Check Gooogle.

Mine gets a bubble in it every winter. Hold full all summer, but when cold temps come around, I get an air bubble. So I refill it with mineral oil in the spring, and it is good for the season.
