how is the S-37 in a real blow

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i just wanted to know how the 37 handles some real wind? Can the boat handle 30 to 35 knots. how will she do in some off shore cond, 5 foot to 8 foot seas i bought a 37 in sept 06 and i have not sailed in any real wind yet. thanks vincent

Nice N Easy

Seidelman and bad weather

We recently purchased an 81 model S37, and brought it home from New Jersey to New Orleans area. Had some 30 - 40 knot winds in the Chesapeake. About 20 degrees off dead astern. Boat did fine, although I did have too much sail on, and managed to blow the window out of the jib in a really heavy gust. Also hit a front going across the Gulf from Clearwater to Appalachicola, and had some fairly heavy seas. Maybe 5 or 6 footers. Don't think they were much bigger than that. Again, the boat did fine. Have also heard several on this board say the boat is pretty tender. I must disagree with that, although it is probably true of the racers out there. You can certainly lay it on it's side if you try to get that last half a knot out of it, but if you are satisfied with a tad less than hull speed, the boat sails well with approx. 15 or so degrees of heel. And I don't consider that tender. Maybe some do.


Oct 16, 2006
- - USA
S37's aren't all the same

From the little I've found, there were 3 different keels plus two mast height options, five different S37's listed in my old (OLD) PHRF guide. I'd have to expect them to heel differently. And then of course, if you reef early enough, on any boat, she won't feel so tender.<G> Before you can ask how tender the boat is, you'd have to ask which one of the five models do you have?


thanks red

thanks red, my boat has the tall rig, and my keel is 5'9" . i have about a 120 jib, geny, 2 reef points in main. the boat sails great in 10 to 20, i like to reef early , the boat handles beter when i reef down, my sails are in good cond, i could use a little bigger geny , the sail works . we also get some nice afternoon winds seabreeze's fun to sail in , thanks again vincent S - 37 roundhouse


Sounds like you've got a "LI Sound" rig

Vincent, it sounds like you've got the right rig for LI Sound and the northeast. Max mast for the light air, and max keel to balance it. Which will only be a problem winding in and out of Gateway, I guess. I've been in there, kinda surprising how much thin water there is to get past.<G>


Oct 16, 2006
- - USA
Vincent are you still there?

I'd love to see how an S37 sails and I'm only about 1/2 hour from Gateway. Could I beg a ride with you some day? Clicking on my name in the left column should get the board to let you send me a direct email.
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