How do you replace impeller quickly and easily?

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Jan 15, 2009
2 460 Stonington, CT
Last summer, by the time I realized that the strainer on the engine intake was full of enough eel grass to make a salad for two, I had burned up the impeller. I had to be towed to my boatyard, and after six hours of labor to disassemble the sink cabinetry, replace the 9 or ten dollar impeller, and reassemble everything, I had a billl over $600!

This is obviously a major design flaw. Many of my boating colleagues tell me that they can change their impellers in fifteen minutes by themselves. Have any of you had any modification, or do you know how to call this to the attention of the Hunter boat building brain trust to fix this problem?

Meanwhile, I love my 460 in most all other aspects and look forward to more great times on the water.

Martin Piecuch


Sep 27, 2008
Hunter 320 Tampa, FL
A raw water impeller is something that can fail at sea and the ability to replace it quickly under adverse conditions is of primary importance. I cannot believe that Hunter would place such a component in a location with no access hatch. I'm not familiar with the h460 but I'm sure some of the owners on this forum may set the record straight. I question the ability or integrity of your boatyard.
Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
I don't Martin's issue is not how to replace an impeller but simply the ease of access to the area and in the 460, access isn't easy. If it's any consolation Martin, there are lots of installations which necessitate removing the starter motor in addition to the contortions. Not sure anyone here has posted pictures but the only way I know how to facilitate access is to cut an access hatch on the adjacent bulkhead in the head. Bad design for sure
Jan 2, 2005
Hunter 35.5 Legend Lake Travis-Austin,TX
Its an access issue combined with a design issue caused by Yanmar. I'm pretty sure on that model diesel, you have to remove the starter AND take out the left front motor mount! HOW's that for simplicity!!!
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Mar 20, 2004
Hunter 356 and 216 Portland, ME
We've had a speedseal on both of our Yanmars and it's a huge improvement-really fast and positive to remove and replace, with no tools. the std yanmar tiny screws would be a real pain in a seaway-and probably end up in the bilge
Oct 14, 2005
1983 Hunter H34 North East, MD
I've just replaced...

the Phillips head screws with metric bolts instead of going to the Speedseal solution. They were becoming too chewed up to remove easily. Tried to find allen head set screws that would fit but all were too long. Ended up having to shorten the bolts anyway.
Jul 1, 2004
Hunter 40 St. Petersburg
I believe the 460 uses the Yanmar 4JH2-THE which is a turbo variant of the 4JHE.

I assure you that the starter and left front motor mount does NOT need to be removed to access the raw water pump impeller cover.

Access is another issue however. I agree with Don that if there isn't ready access then you need to get out the sawzall/dremel/jigsaw and make access. It can be made pretty but make no mistake, it IS a safety issue. I agree with Benny on that one.

Which brings me to ... your yard screwed you and you let it happen. I mean no offense but YOU need to learn about what it takes to change the impeller because there may be no one around next time. If the yard charged you 6 hours labor to replace it then they're either crooks or incompetent or both. Educate yourself. Do it yourself. It'll suck at first but you'll be glad you did.
Nov 28, 2004
Hunter 310 San Pedro
My Recent Experience

I replaced my impeller today. 12mm wrench and sae screwdriver. Two bolts and 6 screws to remove back plate. Remove old impeller and insert new one. Test run and then go to Avalon.:):)


Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 35.5 LI, NY
And for purely maintenance ... should replace the impeller at the start of each season. Odds are that this will avoid most unwanted overheats due to impeller failure. Those little arms become brittle with age and eventually fail. A once a year replacement will avoid this and you will stay proficient at the job. Mine takes about ten minutes to replace and I've never had an overheat issue.
May 22, 2004
Hunter h41 San Francisco
My previous boat was a 460. The impeller replacement was a nightmare to say the least. For starters may I suggest a SpeedSeal. Click on the link below.
First you must clear out all the stuff under the sink. Then you must remove the shelf or at least remove the screws so that you can at least move the shelf up. Then remove the panel that supports the shelf. Now you have access to the impeller. This is the only way to get to the impeller. The SpeedSeal lets you use your fingers instead of trying to get tools into that tight space. The SpeedSeal worked just fine and knocked about an hour off the project. I even practiced the procedure a couple of times. Still a major pain but it can be done. Alternator removal is also a pain. I cut an access panel in front of the alternator to make that job easier. The newer Yanmars now have the impeller in front of the engine making replacement a ten minute job. Any questions let me know.

Apr 22, 2001
Hunter 420 Norfolk, VA
Thank you "John12439"

Despite all of the well meaning comments from others ; the only REALLY helpful response to this question had to come from another 460 owner (or someone actually intimately familiar with THAT boat).
Although I own an '01 420 and do not have a problem changing my engine's impellor (because of an access panal in my aft shower).. I appreciate your post and it's accuracy.
BTW, Rick ... (I believe) .. 460's (and 466,450's, & 456's) use(d) a Yanmar 4JH3(TE), 76 hp torbocharged diesel....
H 410's, 420's (and many other boats) used Yanmar's 4JH2(TE), 63hp torbocharged diesel.
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May 22, 2004
Hunter h41 San Francisco
Re: Thank you "John12439"

I did have an after thought. If I still had my 460 I think I would cut a hole in the panel under the sink and install a large inspection port. That would give you quick and easy access to the impeller and the port side of the engine.
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