How do I rig in 15 min.?

  • Thread starter Michael Shomate
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Michael Shomate

I am a new 26x owner. One of the deciding factors in the purchase was the 10-15 min. time to raise the mast and launch. We haven't been able to break 1-1/2 hours! Is ANYONE rigging and launching in 15 minutes, and if so, please explain how!!!

Brian Betts

Rigging in 30 minutes

A few things have really helped me to reduce the amount of time to rig my 26X. One is I use a lot of bungy cords to strap the rig down which helps save some time. Two, I use a wing nut with a bracket I devised on the roller furling. Three, I use a quick release clip similar to that used for the trailer wheel to hold the boom. I use a ratchet wrench to undo the bolts holding the mast. All told, this allows me to rig the boat in 30 minutes. I also purchased the kit to raise and lower the mast. Hope this helps.

billy w

15 min rigging

add snap or other quick fastening shackles to main sheet and boom vang. Use bungy cords to secure halyards and stays to mast-- max 4. Have 2 ratchets with 14mm sockets to remove mast from holders and to step. Remove ring dings from forestay turnbuckle and replace with 2 inch pieces of copper wire. Use needle nose pliers to remove and bend wire after insertion. Leave forestay turnbuckle fully extended after de rig. Keep boom in cabin. To rig. Remove bolt from mast crutch and step plate. Remove bungy cords making sure all lines are free. Remove bolt from pulpit mast carrier. Push mast base to mast step plate. 1st mate should be sure side stays do not foul on forward life lines. Once mast is secured to step stand on top of cabin and lift mast by hand (very light) to upright while 1st mate keeps rear stay from fouling. Once mast is upright have 1st mate take a wrap arounf pulpit with JIB halyard. Make sure other end is secured to mast cleat. Go forward and attache forestay. Remove copper wires, tension forestay, replace wires and bend each around turmbuckle. Remove boom from cabin. Attached boom to topping lift and then to mast. 15 - 20 minutes easy. When lowering mast always be sure boom vang bail is pulled up against mast. To rig.


Ringdings SUCK !

Michael, I have declared WAR on ALL the ringdings MacGregor puts on the 26X rigging. I to got tired of the 2 hour process. Just replace the crummy shackles they provide with theaded or keypin type and you will cut your rigging time to a realistic 1 hour launch. Happy Sailing.......Dan

Ron Buckles

Tools handy

I keep the tools I need on a line hanging around my neck. The length just long enough to work. Good luck, Ron

Ron Buckles

Great idea!

Billy, Super idea about using the jib halyard if working one man. Where did you pick that one up from? Thanks, Ron

Timm Miller

Ring dings

They are a pain in the butt.......but with a little pratice..........I can now do them one handed......rigging gets faster each and everytime it's done.....I have done mine about 7 times now and I'm in the under one hour area.....boat is about three weeks old. If I didn't have to handle the furler it would be much faster.



Found this.

Ron Buckles

Link does not work...

The link does not work on my computer. Which video is it? Thanks, ron



Sorry I just found the video and copy/paste the URL. I do not have the video... does anyone think its any good? Try this: 1) Go to 2) In the teal colored right sidebar click on "Books & Reference" 3) Search "macgregor" (w/o quotes)
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