How close to the wind will a Mac - 19 sail?

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Dave Breen

I know the "iron (or aluminum)" sail will point directly into the wind. Have any Mac 19 owners tried to see how close to the wind they could point with the cloth sails? A good keel boat will get as close as 45 degrees. My old 16' boat that is like a Westwight Potter will only do 65 degrees. About like an old square rigger. Before I buy one, I would sure like to know what I can expect from the Mac-19. Thanks, Dave Breen

Randy Zerbe

Mac 19 Does go to windward

Dave, Yes she does go to windward but not as closely as a "pure" sailboat mostly because of the size of the cabin requires alot of freeboard (windage) and also the powerboat shape of the hull.I have found in 8 years of sailing "Windfall" that under good conditions, she sails about 50 degrees from the eye of the wind. That's not so bad. Give her plenty of wind and get her in her groove (not close hauled) and she'll go about 6 mph. If your destination is 20 miles to windward and you want to be there before dinner then you might want to make use of that 40 hp. "Iron Wind". Don't forget that power is also a big part of what a 19 is all about. She's a powerboat that is a sailboat too. By the way I visit Dana Point CA. 2 weeks ago, I was told slip fees run $2000 a month there, so a trailer-sailor is a good way to go.
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